Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Allergies?? Oh and 100th Post (long)

So I thought I was getting sick...but all my symptoms tonight point to allergies. Sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose. I HATE allergies. They are IRRITATING. (just sneezed)

My kids are about the same. Tummy issues are gone but they both are stuffed up. I wonder if they have mild allergies since other symptoms haven't progressed?

Today our realtor called us and we sign papers the 30th. She's going to stick one of those "sale pending" stickers on our sign. I was waiting for that. I get some sort of satisfaction from that and have been wondering when that sticker would be going on. Now I know. Soon.

We're having issues with where we'll be staying in our RV. Not only here but in California now as well. We're thinking an RV park now so that we won't have to go to a dump station and noone we know has RV hook ups at their home. My FIL informed us that we probably wouldn't be very happy always having to dump it. And besided if we did that we'd have to borrow my dad's truck every time as well. Fun.

So we are looking at an RV park locally on Saturday and then one down south that looks promising. As for California...the RV park we were looking into has some weird policies regarding the electric...which would mean for us no usage of the A/C...not happening. We actually have to be picky about the A/C nowdays since our dog can easily die in hot weather. So my husband and I are looking to take a trip here soon to Californ-i-a maybe in a couple weeks to go look around. We'll see.

In other news...and this is the best husband got a Starbucks card from a friend down south for his birthday...and well he knows how much his little wifey pooh loves anything Starbucks and mochas in well...yesterday I had a Grande, non fat, marble mocha macchiato and today I had a Grande, triple shot, non fat marble mocha macchiato. As well my darling daughter (I'm teaching her young) had a tall kids hot cocoa. How spoiled I've been. Those marble macchiato's are my new fave!!! Can anyone say "nummmms"

Ok nearly forgot this was my 100th POST--so 100 things about me ( I wonder how long this will take...starting at 11.07 pm...
1. I like Mochas
2. I love Mint Mochas
3. My new fave mocha is the Marble Mocha Macchiato from Starbucks
4. My fave coffee cart is Cuppa Joe in Stayton Oregon
5. I am a child of God
6. Have been for 10 years
7. Recieved Christ in college (sneeze)
8. I have no church home right now.
9. I wish it was Calvary Corvallis but it's not
10. I like to blog
11. I like to just be on the computer in general
12. Sometimes a little too much
13. I am the youngest of three girls (poor dad)
14. My sisters are ten years and 11 years older than I
15. I am reading Matthew and Revelations in the Bible currently
16. I don't know how I'll finish this
17. My parents are still married after 42 it really 42??
18. My in-laws are still married after 32 or maybe it's 31 years.
19. My 9 year anniversary is in 2 months
20. I have never had a speeding ticket
21. I have never done drugs
22. I have traveled over seas twice
23. I went on a mission trip to Japan in 98
24. I went to Israel last year
25. I have lived in New York
25. I have lived in Florida
26. I like sushi
27. I am at a loss
29. My have food is Mexican
30. I will be 30 this year and think it's cool
31. I like the fact that I getting older
32. I love the transformation that takes place spirituallyas I become older
33. I love the healing that takes place
34. I love the wisdom and knowledge that is gained.
35. I love learning more and more about God
36. I love feeling his love more and more
37. I love being a mom
38. I am beyone thankful to be a stay at home mom
39. I am excited to homeshcool my kiddo's
40. I love my husband more now than when I married him
41. On our wedding cake we had Pepe le Pew and his kitty girlfriend as our cake topper
42. We had Braveheart soundtrack playing in the background during parts of our wedding.
43. We went to Yosemite for our honey moon
44. I love my bulldog
45. I have always wanted a bulldog.
46. I listen to Dr. Laura all the time
47. I have read one of her books..which was very good
48. My father in law gave it to me.
49. I am thankful he did
50. I love being married.
51. I think you are cool if you have made it this far down the list and are still awake.
52. I don't think I can make it to 100
53. I told my husband I'd go to bed early tonight.
54. I have never been a smoker
55. I did try it only to be stupid.
56. I was homecoming queen my senior year.
57. I was soo cool then....
58. I worshipped popularity then.
59. I worshipped a lot of worldly things then.
60. I was no saint.
61. I am almost done
62. My sister gave me a wedgie when I was little and I cried.
63. My sisters used to hold me down and tickle me.
64. I was know as a cry baby when I was little.
65. And a brat.
66. A spoiled brat that it.
67. And a daddy's girl
68. There was a time in my life when my whole family at different time told me they loved me but didn't like me.
69. I was blind then to how self centered I was.
70. I thought it was there problem.
71. I knew my husband was the man for me from day one. Which was back in 92...
72. Although we didn't start really dating until 94
73. We got married in 97
74. I was only 20
75. I am 3/4 of the way through.
76. I am trying to hurry so I can go to bed.
77. I wish Jesus would just come back already
78. I like mochas
79 Oh yah I already said that.
80. I am quite boring.
81. I like to scrapbook...(the once a year I do it)
82. I don't know what else to say.
83. I have a niece that is only 7 years younger than me.
84. We are having lunch on Friday.
85. We have lunch about once a month.
86. I have 4 nieces
87. I have 3 nephews
88. I have cold hands
89. I have many regrets
90. I have many joys
91. I'm glad to be a Believer
92. I am thankful for his GRACE
93. I am so close to being done.
94. I am losing weight.
95. I am my kids mom
96 I am my husbands' wife
97 I am getting a laptop soon
98 I like to journal.
99. I know more than you think I do.
100 I AM DONE!!!

Good night all!! It is 11.42

1 comment:

KandJMom said...

I really really enjoyed your 100 list!!