Sunday, September 19, 2010


Originally posted May 26th, 2008

No go on the camping. It’s Oregon. It’s raining. But we are making the best of it. Friday night we celebrated my dad’s 61st birthday. Then we stayed in my parents 5th wheel and partied like rock stars. Not really but I like to say that. We just went to bed in a very cold RV.

Saturday my mom, sister and I all got our hair done by my wonderful cousin-in-law…but I just call her my cousin now. Jessica came out to my parents house and did hair ALL DAY, bless her heart. We had a hair marathon. Jake worked with my dad all day and mowed acres of grass. His tiny little butt was hurtin’ afterward.

Then we went home in the evening. We were welcomed by our lonely bulldog who had just spent his first night ever alone. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers and keeping him safe. Then we authoritatively ordered our kids to bed so we could stay up late and watch a movie. “GET TO BED!!! AND I DON’T WANT TO HEAR ONE PEEP OUT OF YA! WHAT’S THAT? I’LL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT!!” {insert kids laughing here}.

So anyways…

Sunday I slept in while my dear sweet husband and kids got up and read the Bible together–yes good husband bad wife. Then, perfect husband went to work out. I took long shower and then a hot bath. Then perfect husband comes home and does some work in the bath room. He also bathed our dog somewhere in the mix. Later I got me and the kids ready for…

…what we did next (all of us) and that was go to The Wizard of Uz play in Corvallis. Which was RAD. I ain’t even going to try and explain it on this blog, you just had to be there. On the way home we stopped by Safeway to get drinks because my daughter let us know all throughout the play how thirsty she was. So not-so-perfect dad got bottled strawberry smoothie drinks that happened to have strawberry chunks in them which didn’t go over well with my kids who don’t like chunks in their drinks. So then half the way home we went back and forth with this dialog”

Whiny Child: “I’m thirsty.”

Annoying Mom: “Hi Thirsty! I’m Friday, come over Saturday and have a Sunday!”

Whiny annoyed Child: “MOOOOMMMM”

Annoying Mom: “That’s my name don’t wear it out!”

Then we came home tonight to a very excited, good smellin’ bulldog.

Not sure what tomorrow will bring. I’m sure perfect husband will do many perfect things things though and not-so-perfect dad and annoying mom will manage to annoy our kids and have fun doing it.

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