Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blog About Jake

Originally Posted June 25th, 2008
Jake is my husband.  He says I’m taking over his computer.  Well that’s because my son has taken over mine to play Club Penguin.  So yah my husband is going to run a 5K with me.  He doesn’t need to train that’s because he’s already in shape.  Somehow he married me.  We are complete opposites.
He’s in shape I’m not.  He’s a clean freak, I’m messy.  He’s organized (in theory) and I am too… I know where everything is on those piles of paper on my desk.  Yes, there’s a desk under those piles!  He values clothes put away in drawers.  I’m happy just to get them washed.  He’s a hard worker, I’m a hardly worker.  He’s O.C.D,  I’m N.O.T.  He’s a morning person I’m a night person. 
He’s shorter than me.  He’s lighter than me.  He’s “perfect dad” and “perfect husband” and I, well I give my kids cookies for breakfast and my husband is really good at ironing… He’s always right but don’t tell him I said that because I won’t admit it to his face.  He’s humble–He apologizes when he’s wrong, I just be quiet.  He tells jokes and people roll on the ground.  When I tell jokes I get a courtesy laugh.  He’s a good story teller and I watch people's eyes wander as I'm talking, then I quit talking mid story, and they don't even notice.…
But we do OK… in fact we do great.  We’re a great balance, I’d say.

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