Sunday, September 19, 2010

Games to play on a 12 hour road trip

Originally posted July 25th 2008
Take turns, each person naming a different kind of cheese, if stumped your gone.  (I won)
Take turns, each person naming a different country, same same.  (I won)
Take turns, each person naming a different state, yada yada.  (I won)
Sing Row Row Row Your Boat in rounds.
Using the tune of Row Row Row Your Boat pick animal sound and sing it in rounds.  Ruff Ruff Ruff, Bock Bock Bock  (warning: may cause laugh attack especially if performed 10 hours into the trip.)
Change words to Row Row Your Boat.  For example:  Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, throw daddy over board and listen to him scream.  Five days later, floating down the Deleware, chewing on his underwear, wish he had another pair.  Ten days later, bitten by a polar bear, that’s why the polar bear died.   (Continue to sing song changing the name of who gets thrown over board)
Do cartoon impressions.
Do impressions of family members and everybody has to guess who it is.
Do Jim Gaffigan’s “Hot Pockets” and SNL’s “More Cow Bell” impressions. Somehow instead of cowbell it got turned into ‘finger snap’.  ”I’ve got a fever and the only prescription is more finger snap!”  Ok so after 500 miles it’s funny–trust me.
Randomly throughout the trip blurt out, “diarrhea pockets” or “Did I eat that or rub it on my face?”  This only works if those in the vehicle are familiar with Jim Gaffigan.  If so it’ll bring a laugh every time followed by everyone quoting every line they know from the hot pockets skit.
Turn on the radio and magically Alan Jackson’s “GoodTime” will be playing every time…and when it is sing it good and sing it LOUD!  
Sing Christmas songs.  If someone in the car plays the drums have them play drums on the dash board — sounds cool!
Sing Opera
(While driving through the gorge games may have to cease while looking for mountain goats and/or while mommy has to keep her eyes fixed on the road and pray without ceasing because she’s freaked out by the wind gusts and keeps picturing the truck flying off into the Columbia river…uh…I’m just saying)
So yah that what we did, 5 of us in the truck, on our way from Montana back to Oregon Tuesday.  Good times!!

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