Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I'ts been a year...

It's been a little over a year now since I've had this blog. It doesn't seem like it's been that long.

It's been a crazy year. Our life headed in a direction we never would've guessed. It's taken some adjusting for me to get used to. I struggle with things but that struggle helps me to rely on God. Nothing big in the whole scheme of life but a little stuggle nonetheless.

In all though I can't complain. God has it all under control and that is what keeps me sane.

In two days it'll be Thanksgiving. And this is what I'm thankful for this year...
...for a healthy family
...for God's grace
...for a loving husband
...for my two sweet kids
...for God leading us to homeschool
...for the rain
...for Jesus
...for my family and friends
...for new mercies every morning
...for humble pie
...for the bread of life
...for my stinky dog
...for God never giving up on me
...for God's love
...for a roof over my head
...for food in our fridge
...for rolls on my belly (ha ha)

Have a great Thanksgiving Blogosphere!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Until Next Time

Well peeps I think I'm going to take a break from blogging for the time being. I still I have my myspace if those of you who know that want to message me there that'll work.

Just not into blogging lately about nothing...I'm thinking of starting a new homeschool blog that'll will be about--HOMESCHOOLING. I will keep this blog and I'm sure I will post again in the future when I get back into it.

Until then peace out.

God Bless!