Monday, August 28, 2006

and another quick lil post

We are heading to the beautiful Oregon coast today. Heading off with my SIL and her fam for some RnR (with kids not sure if that's quite possible but we'll do our best)

It was an unexpected treat that I just found out about last night. They had in planned probably for a bit but graciously asked if I wanted to join them last night so I'm thankful for that.

Also yesterday we had an unexpected treat as well. Through some of Jake's fighting friends we got to go to the local aquatic center for free. They had rented the whole thing for about 3 hours and they invited us. That was a blessing because earlier that day we drove past and I was really wanting to go sometime soon.

We also had a great time at church yesterday and a some good family time.

Well duty calls I must go.

Have a good week!

1 comment:

Josh said...

Hey this is Caedmon's dad...just got your post from our blog. Not sure how long ago you posted that, but I just found it. Caedmon is a great name and a great story behind it. I think God's given us a little singer...he's great!

Thanks for letting us know about the Caed for short...we'll see what we decide.