Thursday, August 09, 2007

Memories of an Ordinary Day

Sometimes in my regular journal I like to write down what we did that day...just to remember the ordinary days of our lives. The lives of my children go by so fast and I wish I could videotape every minute. It saddens me how much I forget. Some memories are burned in my mind but many more have fluttered away.

So here I am on my blog doing this same thing. Just a couple of things I'd like to remember in the future.

Like how my daughter looks so cute flipping her "Hooked On Phonics" flashcards with her little 4-year-old fingers.

Like how my son told me how he got his math done so fast by singing a little song and using his little 7-year-old fingers to count.

Like the cute little look on my daughters face when she doesn't know one of her letters as she flips through her flashcards.

Like how the 2 of them played in the dirt at the soft ball game and made a berry pie with some berries and dirt.

Like how they have watched their new Leap Pad Letters DVD over and over since we got it 3 days ago.

Like the satisfaction I get as I watch them play in the dirt and be kids.

Like how I so much enjoy reading Mrs. Piggle Wiggle to my kids.

Or things...

Like how I feel when I see my husband run the bases faster than anyone on the team (except maybe his brother ha ha) and that's with no cleats on.

Like how I just enjoy watching him play softball period.

Like how I feel when I see my husband working his butt off finishing the fence, replacing the slat on the deck, and mowing the lawn in the hour he has from the time he gets off work to when we have to leave for the game.

Or things...

Like how my sweet doggy follows me, and noone else but me, all over the house and sleeps under my desk or in my office as I type.

Like how my sweet doggy stinks up my office as I type...not fun but a funny memory nonetheless.

Or things...

Like the feeling of a accomplishment I got as I got many things done today and didn't get stressed out like schooling my kids, cleaning, laundry, feeding/bathing my kids, cleaning my dog, putting a shelf together, getting half my office cleaned up, and staying on my diet (ha ha)...

That's all for now I think.

By the way my son asked me yesterday why there needs to be a husband and a wife to have a baby... Fabulous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have fun with that one.