Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Concert, Stomach Flu, & Cancelled Christmas Eve

That about describes my last week. My friend Tanya came to town and held a little concert for friends and family at a local eatery that I really should name but I won't. That was the 2 days before Christmas Eve. Then Christmas Eve I woke up feeling icky. Spent the day puking and other unmentionables. We had spent the night at my parents and were planning on celebrating the night there with other family. As the day wore on and my husband starting to get sick we cancelled and decided to head home. We made the agonizing hour drive home and crashed once we got home.

Funny thing this is the second time my husband and I have gotten the stomach flu at the same time and had to take care of our 2 kiddo's at the same time. Not an easy feat but we made it through. We thank God that niether of them got it either time.

So later we find out that my sis in law who was at the concert is also puking. So then she finds out today that others also got sick that went there as well. Neat. And her 3 year old spent the night puking last night. Fun stuff.

So ... that was our Christmas Eve. Christmas day we were feeling somewhat better although super weak and we made it to Christmas dinner at my in laws. So that was good. I didn't feel 100% til yesterday.

But we're all fine now. Unfortunately I got my appetite back.

I'm outta here. Enjoy the new year!!!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

What's been happening??

The Three girls looking cute in pink.

Finished Product

At the Tree Farm


I decided to keep the blog aren't you all excited?!?!... (insert sounds of crickets chirping). --as if I have an audience ha ha! :)

I've just really had trouble finding things to write about. Lately my life has been sort of boring and consumed in homeschooling that there's not much to write about.

Since I changed my layout my links have disappeared. Hopefully I'll get those back soon. I say that because I had on my "links" section, links of kids who are batteling cancer. And last January we met one of those kids, little Rebekah, and today we got to see her again. We went out to her Grandpa's Christmas Tree farm today and got a Christmas tree. It was fun and good to see them. My little girl and both Rebekah and Sara all had on lady bug boots. Rebecca grabbed my little girls hand and led her out to the trees. It was quite cute. I got a pic that I'll post. They also took a pic that is posted on their blog. The farm is in a beautiful spot in Hillsboro and so it made for a nice drive. So now our tree is all decorated as you can see.

So a little background to this though. Thursday I told my kids all day that when daddy came home we were going to get a tree. Well when daddy got home he said that we have a fake one in the garage and we'll just use that. So we went to run some errands and got home late. My husband went to check in the garage and no tree. We are not sure what happened to the tree but thinking we may have gotten rid of it when we thought we were moving to Cali. So it was late and he said he'd buy one after work Friday. Well about midnight I was reading Rebekah's blog and her family invited people to come out and visit and get a tree at the same time with that money being given to Rebekah's trust fund. So I presented the idea to my husband and off we went this morning to get a tree.

So in other news since not much happens around our home so I posted a pic of my son who got to take a rockclimbing class in November. That was neat and a little something out of the ordinary. He got to somewhat conquer some fears...but he liked it and we're hoping to do more of it in the future.
Have a good weekend.