Saturday, July 05, 2014

Preaching to myself

My Original blog I started in 2005.  I think I post at least once a year.  :) Where are we?  Well our son will be 14 in a few short weeks.  Our daughter 11.  I turn 38 in a week and Jake has reached the infamous 4-0.

I am going back to school for accounting.  I work with Jake now, enjoying the work and environment.  Life is cruising a little too fast for my liking.  5 short years and my son will be off, presumably to college.

Most of the time I feel like I'm in the middle of a hurricane and I can't really focus on anything, everything whirling by my face at breakneck speeds.  I'm desperate for it all to slow down, to focus on just a few things and savor the moments.  Rather it feels like I barely taste the morsels of life.  Brief savory bits pass through my teeth but all that remains on my taste buds is the bitterness of things that don't matter.  Homework, housework, obligations, the 8-5.

I try to make the meaningless matter since it takes up 90% of my life.  Find joy in the humdrum and the rush.

But the 90% matters just as much as the 10% sporadic blissful moments that seems to go as fast as they come.  None of it's meaningless.  Everything can matter.  If--when--I grasp that and flesh it out the storm calms and joy breaks through, restored.

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