Thursday, October 26, 2006

Give me some comfort food...

Can someone please pass the ice cream and carmel sauce... and some Lindt truffles, and some candy corn. Oh and I'll take some teeth rotting soda pop.


Monday, October 23, 2006

Finishing the work HE started

So I'm not posting much today. Life is good in general. There's been a few speed bumps in my road but what's awesome about that is being a Christian God the Father uses the bumps in my life to change my heart, reveal my heart and any wickedness in it, and set me straight. He grows me spiritually if I let Him. So having faced discouragement lately I have 1. learned compassion 2. been driven to pray and with HOPE 3. grown in love 5. been challenged and overcome 6. become even more dependant on my Lord Jesus.

There's not much new going on.... Check out this site

I have a myspace but God led me to this site using a completely different route. It is worth checking out and taking action.

~Have a good week!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Please pray for Gage!!

Little Gage and his family got some bad news this past week. Please go to his site and read about him, give his family some encouragement and pray, pray, pray.


Saturday, October 07, 2006

So this is what quiet sounds like.

So here I sit in my living room and what do I hear? NOTHING but the light snore of my "little" doggie. In fact it's quite peaceful and quiet. I just spent an hour sipping fake coffee and reading my Bible and a book. I also slept in past 10 this morning...after getting home so late from going to dinner and a movie last night.

Something is wrong here. Where are my kids??? Oh that's right they stayed at Grandma's last night... Ok now I get it. So yes...and now I'm about to get ready and head to get my hair done---very long over due. Life can be rough sometimes.... :o)

Have a good weekend all.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Happy 21st Birthday to my nephew Michael. Please ignore the "scribbles" I didn't have anything to edit this with but paint so just pay attention to the kid in the pic. :0)

In other news...

Monday night I had the pleasure of going to a "Homeschool 101" class put on by the homeschool group at our church. Which, by the way, our church has quite a group of us that homeschool. As one girl put it, it's almost as if your outside the norm if you don't homeschool--which is great support for us newbies. So anyways, the class was very good. My husband and I were sooo glad we went. The lady who taught the class is a mom of ready for this....11 kids and one on the 12 children. She has homeschooled since the beginning. She gave us great advice, information and passed on her wisdom she has gained through the years. She recommened many books to us (I've got some reading to do) and some websites. The class of 6 couples all were parents of young kids. In fact 6 years of age was the oldest child in the group. Our son and another girls son. It was a good time.

So Monday I reported what a good day I had at homeschool. So I thought I'd be fair and post that Tuesday was the opposite. In fact we didn't even do school. Our morning started out bad and I bagged it for the day. Today was a happy medium. I'll take it. My husband reminded me that it's only the 3rd week of my first year of homeschooling and I'll get the hang of it.

And that I will.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Similes, Metaphors, and Suffix's Oh my!!!

And so starts another week. Today's homeschooling adventure was one of those ideal days. You know, like the idea you have when you first start homeschooling and think, "this is going to be fun!" and the picture in you head that forms -- reading on the couch, smiling, asking questions and they are all answered correctly, mama's patient all day, kids smile and say "more!" ... ha ha

well it did go good though. It was fun...but as it goes on I wonder to myself who's really the one doing all the learning? I'm only teaching first grade to my son but I'm learning science stuff that's all about water, I'm learning all the grammar I forgot back in grade school (if I ever learned it at all) I'm reading really good books like Charlotte's Web, I'm learning about bibleless people all around the world...etc, etc..

So I look forward to learning, relearning and actually understanding the "why" of things as this year proceeds.

Today my son asked me why boats float... I said, "Good question. I don't really know but I'll look it for ya." So I did but we have yet to discuss it. I have it saved though on my computer.

Well i'm off to a homeschool 101 class!!!