Saturday, March 24, 2007

Today is just do nuthin sort of day... And I like it. The kids and I are just hangin out. Right now they are going through all my scrapbooking die-cuts asking which ones they can have.

Speaking of scrapbooking. I went last night to a scrapbooking get together and got my daughters 1st birthday done. So...she's four. I have lots to catch up on... I've done my sons 1st and 5th but nothing in between.

But that's my New Years Resolution this year is to get caught up...or close to it anyways. I can't wait acutally because I have so much to do and I can't wait to "re-live" the memories as I do them. I have stuff from college, stuff from dating my husband, and almost all my kids' stuff.

And soooo.... yesterday I went and got a 20 ounce chocolate lovers mocha and I so want another one today. But I can't. Waste of money but yesterday was an exception. But it sounds sooooo YUMMY.

And that's all folks. No news around here really. ....let me think??? nope none.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Side Notes

So I do have a few more pics to post but I'm taking my time. Posting pics is annoying so I'm just taking a our anniversary (may) I will have the birthday pics done.

So...I remember posting about my son's first loose tooth. Well he has since lost 2...his two middle bottom teeth.

Also my daughter's version of the word "cinderella" is.... "cillarenda"... so stinken cute. I heard her talking to her brother today and she has a tiny cinderella doll and she was calling it cillarenda and so was my son because he doesn't know the difference. Neither of them have seen the movie I don't think. So I still chuckle when I think of her saying it... so cute.

And another interesting thing my daughter said today was. "I'm tired of getting zits!!" Ha ha cracked me up because she's only 4 and was so serious. But see my son has had 2 random zits and he's only 6 ??? he had one in his ear and then one I think on his cheek. Well then this week my daughter had a bump on her cheek and I said maybe it's a zit so I picked at it (I'm a picker for sure) while she protested. I squeezed it a bit. I'm not sure if it was a zit but it's gone now. So anyways she found this bump on her ankle (which wasn't a zit) but she thought it was...and she stormed down the stairs and said mom I have another zit... I'm tired of getting zits!! It was too cute.

So.. they've asked me why they get zits and I said it's from junk food. And so my son said we can't eat junk food anymore. Fine with me.

My son knows I'm a picker and he found this bump on his knee and I'm like "let me look at it..." and he covers it up and says "no mom I'm just gunna let God heal it."

So yah that is the life and times at our house. Picken zits on my 6 and 4 year olds...gosh poor kids still have puberty to go through.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

part deux

So first they went for a run....

Then they went for a dip...

Hypothermia quickly sets in...

Josh bolts while Jake muscles cramp and he's stuck out there...

Just kidding...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Our Birthday Weekend Part One...

Part one of who know's how many for our couples weekend at the Oregon Coast celebrating my husband's and his twin brother's 33rd birthday. We had a good time. I took a lot of pics and they illustrate better than I can write of the fun we had. I'll let them do most of the talking. Here are some from the first part of Saturday.

The view from our window... Happy Birthday!!

Almost there, day one, everything OK since we have the lucky ballet slipper to guide our travels.

We searched for deals at the Outlet Mall...As Jake buys some shoes Josh and Bea snuggle close (how cute). It's amazing what a little alone time can do for a couple...even shopping can be a romantic adventure. Hee hee.

After Shopping we headed to Mo's... We ate some yummy grub. This is just outside Mo's after our lunch. Being silly and pickin our teeth.

And here we are trying to be serious and mature adults...we're trying really. If you look closely you can see my cold sore I talked about in the previous post...

Here Josh poses with a good buddy of his..

After lunch we headed back to the motel. Where Jake and Josh went for a run and took a dip in the fridgid ocean waters... pictures coming soon!! Stay tuned.