Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Today I began thinking about how soon my kids will be out of the nest and how each stage we've gone through and are about to go through as parents, as people, as adults has been unique with it's own challenges, joys, and memories.

And then came the urge to blog.  To document.  I saw myself, my future self, sifting through old blogs and writing new ones and remembering, cherishing, and noting the stages.

You can see from my side bar --all "My Blogs"-- that the blog urge happens from time to time (and for some reason I felt the urge to create new blogs... and I have deleted some along the way...sheesh).

I have not blogged lately with any consistency.  However my daydreaming today made me want to remember and record, write and document because the days are flying by.  I decided I will go home gather up my blogs and start blogging again.  And why not begin again with the blog that started it all.

This blog.  My very first post was in November of 2005.  Now 8 years later here I am again.  My kids were 3 and 5, now they are 11 and 13.  Jake and I were married 8 years now 16.  Our little buddy Blacky who we brought home December of 2005 and was first blogged about on this blog, died June of 2013.  We now have 8 month old Kitten, named Pouncer joining us.  I was a stay-at-home mom then now I work full time.  Jake was an apprentice electrician working for my dad, now he's the Supervising electrician at his current place of employment.

Some things haven't changed.  Obviously the blog urge ;) hasn't gone away.  But we are still sinners saved by Grace who stand on that Grace daily.  We walk with Jesus.  We walk through tough valleys and we take in the view from high mountaintops.  We've walked many tough journeys since I left this blog, journeys of trial and testing, journeys through fire, and journeys where each corner is new uncharted territory.  And we've walked some wonderful roads together as a family.  One of my greatest joys is watching my kids grow, mature, and emerge into the person God's created them to be.

Beginning again - because life is about beginning again.  Do overs and repeats.  And here I am having come full circle.


My First Blog Post

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