Saturday, September 21, 2013

Today you threw a party for you daughter's 11th birthday.  (1 of 3)  This party was for her school friends.  You always get a bit nervous (hoping you do a good job entertaining and making it a fun party for the guests and your daughter) a little anxious (lots of little, loud, crazy girls kind of makes you a little on edge) but a few minutes in you were glad you put forth the effort making this happen.  Her smiles, their smiles, laughs, silliness galore, tie dyed shirts, headbands as mustaches, pictures drawn by friends of her favorite things (animals!), hula hoops, lip gloss, cupcakes and singing and dancing.   The memories made will be worth it.

The night before you were out late shopping with your favorite person Jessica.  You were super tired eyes red from a week's worth of poor sleep and early mornings but this was the time you had.  And shopping with your best friend (along with some Vietnamese food in the sketchy part of town) made it fun and doable.

You woke up early on a Saturday for all the last minute prep and last visit to the grocery store.  Jake and your son helped get the place ready and together much was accomplished

You also were grateful for meeting the parents of her cute little friends and the opportunity to know her friends a little better.  They are pretty sweet little tweens.

Jake video'd on Caed's cam you took pics (poor Caed was working on Algebra) and Jake as only Jake can talked in silly voices and talked about boogers and the girls laughed and laughed.

You've never been much for the rambunctiousness of kids but you're getting better the older you get and the older your kids get and you are enjoying it.  True you didn't allow a sleepover... that would've been a little too much.. this time anyways.  

So in a short while your parents are coming over for party 2 of 3 along with more of your favorite people.  And you'll be tired once they all go home but you'll smile when you remember you can sleep in Sunday (since church is at 4 now).  And you'll know even if in a few years all will be forgotten the happiness of now makes it all worth it.  Togetherness, celebrating, laughs, and food.   You love your baby girl.

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