Thursday, June 22, 2006

This is ...My So Called Life...

I said that to myself tonight as I looked for my keys for the upmteenth time in my entire life. I was really annoyed. I was seriously annoyed with myself. How dumb can you be?? When are you ever going to get a clue and learn to put your keys in the same spot everytime.

But then I thought...where did I see my keys last??? husband!! That's it. He needed them last night to get some stuff out of the car. So he says he put them on the counter. But I went and checked the pants he wore yesterday...Jackpot.

Glad I didn't need them today while he was at work.

So I haven't been here in awhile. Blogland that is. Well it's mostly due to my connection. It's slow and annoying.

So lately we've been house hunting ...and finding zip. It is just so expensive. So we're at a stand still. We'll probably rent. But we're actually having a hard time finding a place to rent. So who knows. I am getting really sick of it all.

Hubby's job is going well. A bit slower paced then his last job but interesting with a lot to learn. Also my husband might start training for a fight soon (ultimate fighting style). He is having trouble deciding for sure due to the time conflice but I think he should. I will keep you posted.

I know he wants to. It's his dream and I think he would do well as long as he works on his boxing skills.

So I decided to not homeschool. Sending my kids to school. My son Kindergarten again probably and my daughter PreK 3 days a week.

well friends i'm hoping to get in the blog mood again soon but right now I'm not. Tired.

later over and out roger dodger

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