Saturday, July 29, 2006

Let's Get Ready To Rumble!!!

So... first and foremost...let me just say my husband is fighting tonight in his first ever UFC style fight. I'm excited for him, a bit nervous and just anxious for it to all play out and see what happens. I'll update how he does soon.

In other more boring news I really do want to post more on this but my computer is super annoying and has a terrible connection at our new place. Soon we'll be cancelling our service with Verizon and going with Qwest DSL. I've always been pleased with Qwest's services. And then hopefully I will post more. We might get a new computer as well...keep the laptop but have a desktop as well ... especially for the kids to have one to use.

Oh and there is one more big announcement. I have changed my decision to send my kids to private school and made the decision to HOMESCHOOL!! This is something that has been on my heart for about three years but I have avoided it. Nervous, not sure of my abilities, afraid of the responsibility but always having this feeling that God wanted me to.

So this week I made the decision finally and what did I feel? Peace, freedom, and excitement. Praise and Thank you God!! So, God willing, we'll be homeshcooling come September.

And last but not least my little baby boy, my first born son, turns a big 6 tomorrow. What a champ he is!!

Have a fab weekend peeps.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

My Poop Woes...

So I thought I'd blog about the fun little gifts my sweet innocent doggy has been giving me lately.

Let me start by saying that where we live there is no yard. Therefore we have to take him for a walk to go poop to this park near our home. They provide "little baggies" to clean up the mess. How thoughtful. I usually make my husband do this dirty deed because I do NOT like picking up the poop nor do I like doing it in public. I'm just weird like that

So BlackJack and I go for a walk at about 8.30 in the evening because sweet, dear hubby is busy and my dog needs to go. I tuff up and say, "OK I will buckle down and pick up the poop." I stroll over to the least populated spot I could find. And let him do his thing. He does. I promptly get a baggie and pick up the warm, mushy, mess (no kidding) and deposit it in the bin provided.

My dog however is not a one-time pooper. He has to go at least twice an outing. So he walks a few paces yonder and this time unloads the rest. Softer, mushier, and the pile quite bigger this time around, I say "let 'em give me a ticket I ain't pickin that up."

My dog is done but, like usual for him, has a wee bit o'poop left you-know-where. {note to self: bring wipes next time}. You see...when walking a bulldog people don't just walk on by. They have to stop and oogle and the whole time I'm thinking ... "oh just let us go there is poop all over his butt.!"

So I peer into the not-so-far distance and see a little granny and her tiny pomeranian. Blackjack sees them too, she sees us and proceeds to come over and chat for the next 15 monutes or so. All the while I'm grabbing Blacky by the scruff, keeping him close, so he doesn't break granny and her pooch. After our little conversation she leaves, I look down and admire the poop smeared all over my shin.
Now fast forward a couple days to this weekend. My hubby and I are cuddled up for bedtime on the hard living room floor to escape the heat of the upstairs. I twist and turn and finally about midnight I fall asleep. About one thirty, our dog, who is sleeping in his crate a few feet away in the kitchen won't stop moving about and it's quite noisy because his nails scratch the bottom of the crate.

I've had enough and head up to the furnace portion of our home. I get to the top and look back and notice the lights on down stairs. My husband soon appears and says, "yah I know why he was moving around so much...he pooped in his crate."

I come down and we stare for a good 5 minutes wondering what to do next. Next thing you know I'm upstais giving my dog a bath and my husband is outside cleaning the crate. At three a.m., after setting him up in a "fenced" in area of the kitchen with just a tad bit of carpet in that area, we roll into, or I mean onto, our floor and settle in for a good nights sleep.

Seven thirty a.m. our daughter comes downstairs and I go upstairs and hop in bed. I hear my husband rustling about and then head out the front door with my daughter. I go downstairs too curious to sleep now.

Well GOOD MORNING!! I'm greeted to a nice little strip of doggie hershey squirts on that one itty bitty bit of carpet that was in his fenced in area.

And I wanted a dog why?????????

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

We're in a house....

Ok so I said I am back and would update more often like I used to (and I meant it) but we just moved this past weekend and that has taken up a lot of my time. But here I am and that is what counts.

So I'm sitting here in our living room (no furniture just one rocking chair) contemplating my son's 6th birthday. As it seems not many people will not be around or will be busy that day. What's a mom to do? As it looks I'll probably have to have it a week later, but then my parents might be moved down to California. And then what if all the same people can't come even them. Who knows. I don't know but it is a bit irritating. His birthday falls on a weekend this year and everyone has plans.

So when we moved into our 5th wheel we gave a way a lot of stuff. So we have no living room furniture. We're down a bed for our son. We did just buy a new mattress for him this weekend and us one as well. Since ours is forever lodged in our 5th wheel. We'll need to buy all new bedding for all of us. We'll need lots of little things. But we'll adapt. We'll adjust. We'll start fresh. That always feels good.

So we're in our new little townhouse. It's cute and nice. It's nice to be planted somewhere. The kids are enrolled in school and I guess we'll begin to bloom. I'm excited to be a part of our fave church again. I church that I love. Those are a hard to come by and not easy to leave. I'm glad to be back.

I still miss my home town though. I wish I could mesh the two into one, have my cake and eat it too but that is not the case. It's God's will so I know He'll work it all out.

The kids and I went down to the water front today and they played in the fountains. It was nice and warm and they had a good time. They are both getting over colds and have very snotty noses but they enjoyed themselves anyway. I have not done much unpacking today because of that and because my dog needed his wrinkles, paws, and tail pocket cleaned up. But now all that is over. It's 4 and I suppose I should get to work.

Adios to all

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm thirty

Happy Birthday to me!! It was yesterday but yesterday was a very busy day for me I am today. Today is still busy but I'm getting a few minutes to post...well not really. I'm stealing a few minutes (during Barney) and will probably be interrupted every few seconds.

Today is my 3rd day of babysitting 4 kids under the age of 5 and let's just say I can't get to bed soon enough at nights. I'm up at 6 everday then I head to pick them up. Then I take 3 of them to VBS (vacation Bible school) and then come back to the apartment. Then I put the youngest to sleep at 10ish. Then I have some quiet time which is nice. Then at 11.45 I head to pick them. That is interesting. Then I watch them till daddy gets home about 5.45.

The first day I picked them up from VBS I had the baby in my arms and all three are walking on this brick wall (about 3 feet high)--which is a major attraction to the kids in our church you should see them all on Sunday anyways my dear daughter missed her step and proceeded to plunge off the side. The boys are clueless and keep going. I'm sure my daughter's got a concussion and is gushin blood from somewhere on her face. I run to her thinking oh someone will see my predicament and come help. Well someone did stop the boys, daughter screaming, baby starting to...I turn her blood on face...good. So then I look her over, baby stops crying, and she has blood on her arm from a pretty nasty scrape on her elbow and arm and a small owie on her hand then through tears and sobs says "I wanna get back up"...obviously she's ok...and we head to the car.

All the while I was holding (besides the baby and her blankie) two wet art projects that have now smeared all over me and my daughter. So we head to the car and sweat beads are forming on my head.

The rest of the day is a typical day pretty much.

The next day the 2 youngest are not liking VBS and both crying before, during, and I decided to give them a break today...but noone fell off a brick wall afterwards so that was good.

So here we are today. Things are fine. I'm really getting the hang of it...gettin in the groove...yah!! We've been using the "whiny spot" and let me tell ya that spot always stays warm (not really). I praise God because he's keeping me calm, patient, and in good spirits.

I have to admit that the first night I did have a little melt down of my own. Just got way over tired...and well I'm still saying sorry to my husband.

I must add that my 13 year old nephew had planned to stay the week with us. He came over on Sunday...and last night I took him home. He's a trooper but I think he had had enough. Poor kid.

Ok so anyways...yes I'm 30!! Very weird.


Sunday, July 09, 2006

Here I Am Again On My Own...

... Going down the only Road I've ever known...
...Like a drifter I was born to walk alone...
...And I've made up my mind...
...I ain't wasting no more time...
...So here I go again...

Oh hi... sorry got caught up in the moment. Ok so. Yes. I am back!!! Oh and how it feels so good!! Not only am I back in blogland...I am back as ME!! For a few months I was out in the world of... yuckyville... and it was winter. Now it's spring and I'm in Refreshingburg!!

**breathe in****
**breathe out** oh now don't that feel good??

So let me just get everyone up to speed. And who everyone that is I do not know but anyways. OK so...I think I left off that my husband got a new job. That was a tough emotional transition for me and things are getting better there. He likes his new job and we like being back in our town.

So then we had to find a place fast because now my parents are headed to Califonia in our stead and will be using our trailer. So all month we looked and we just found a place (to rent) yesterday. It's a cute townhouse in a good neighborhood.

Spiritually God has lifted the fog and I'm am doing so so much better. Yes, a time of refreshing has begun and I'm so glad to be in this place. When it a spiritual fog one wonders if the day will ever come that it is over...we can't imagine it being so given how we feel...and then one day ... blue sky and we experience a fresh start... newly humbled, ever more grateful for His grace, His love, His goodness. Thank you Lord!!!!

So. That is it all in a nutshell. So up to the minute. Well right now my nephew is on the couch and he's spending the week with us. Tomorrow by kids hit the VBS circuit and I'm doing the babysitting thing for my sis-in-law. I'll have 5 kids (if you include my 13 year old nephew) all week long under my care from about 8-5 (give or take)... and all the while I will getting ready to move (7th time in a year and half --that's counting moving in and out of places).. getting ready to move during the evenings. I'll have a walk through on Friday and then we're outta here!!!!
Ok so we've been here since April 1...So what is that 3 months and 2 weeks. Wow that is not too bad.

So it really has not been that bad if you think about what you might think it would be like living in a 5th wheel with 2 kids and dog. The one thing I have to show for it though is rust colored hair!! I will be taking that with me for sure.

ok well i must go to be now it is getting late and i have a big day ahead of me tomorrow and hav eto get up early.

nighty night