Wednesday, July 19, 2006

We're in a house....

Ok so I said I am back and would update more often like I used to (and I meant it) but we just moved this past weekend and that has taken up a lot of my time. But here I am and that is what counts.

So I'm sitting here in our living room (no furniture just one rocking chair) contemplating my son's 6th birthday. As it seems not many people will not be around or will be busy that day. What's a mom to do? As it looks I'll probably have to have it a week later, but then my parents might be moved down to California. And then what if all the same people can't come even them. Who knows. I don't know but it is a bit irritating. His birthday falls on a weekend this year and everyone has plans.

So when we moved into our 5th wheel we gave a way a lot of stuff. So we have no living room furniture. We're down a bed for our son. We did just buy a new mattress for him this weekend and us one as well. Since ours is forever lodged in our 5th wheel. We'll need to buy all new bedding for all of us. We'll need lots of little things. But we'll adapt. We'll adjust. We'll start fresh. That always feels good.

So we're in our new little townhouse. It's cute and nice. It's nice to be planted somewhere. The kids are enrolled in school and I guess we'll begin to bloom. I'm excited to be a part of our fave church again. I church that I love. Those are a hard to come by and not easy to leave. I'm glad to be back.

I still miss my home town though. I wish I could mesh the two into one, have my cake and eat it too but that is not the case. It's God's will so I know He'll work it all out.

The kids and I went down to the water front today and they played in the fountains. It was nice and warm and they had a good time. They are both getting over colds and have very snotty noses but they enjoyed themselves anyway. I have not done much unpacking today because of that and because my dog needed his wrinkles, paws, and tail pocket cleaned up. But now all that is over. It's 4 and I suppose I should get to work.

Adios to all

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