Saturday, July 29, 2006

Let's Get Ready To Rumble!!!

So... first and foremost...let me just say my husband is fighting tonight in his first ever UFC style fight. I'm excited for him, a bit nervous and just anxious for it to all play out and see what happens. I'll update how he does soon.

In other more boring news I really do want to post more on this but my computer is super annoying and has a terrible connection at our new place. Soon we'll be cancelling our service with Verizon and going with Qwest DSL. I've always been pleased with Qwest's services. And then hopefully I will post more. We might get a new computer as well...keep the laptop but have a desktop as well ... especially for the kids to have one to use.

Oh and there is one more big announcement. I have changed my decision to send my kids to private school and made the decision to HOMESCHOOL!! This is something that has been on my heart for about three years but I have avoided it. Nervous, not sure of my abilities, afraid of the responsibility but always having this feeling that God wanted me to.

So this week I made the decision finally and what did I feel? Peace, freedom, and excitement. Praise and Thank you God!! So, God willing, we'll be homeshcooling come September.

And last but not least my little baby boy, my first born son, turns a big 6 tomorrow. What a champ he is!!

Have a fab weekend peeps.

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