Monday, October 02, 2006

Similes, Metaphors, and Suffix's Oh my!!!

And so starts another week. Today's homeschooling adventure was one of those ideal days. You know, like the idea you have when you first start homeschooling and think, "this is going to be fun!" and the picture in you head that forms -- reading on the couch, smiling, asking questions and they are all answered correctly, mama's patient all day, kids smile and say "more!" ... ha ha

well it did go good though. It was fun...but as it goes on I wonder to myself who's really the one doing all the learning? I'm only teaching first grade to my son but I'm learning science stuff that's all about water, I'm learning all the grammar I forgot back in grade school (if I ever learned it at all) I'm reading really good books like Charlotte's Web, I'm learning about bibleless people all around the world...etc, etc..

So I look forward to learning, relearning and actually understanding the "why" of things as this year proceeds.

Today my son asked me why boats float... I said, "Good question. I don't really know but I'll look it for ya." So I did but we have yet to discuss it. I have it saved though on my computer.

Well i'm off to a homeschool 101 class!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe you should teach and adult class for those of us that have forgotten all the basics