Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Wowser A New Post... Our Story Part 1 of many

This is the beginning of our story from Day 1 We, my husband and I, had 2 starts. So there are 2 day 1's and so on.

Day 1 (summer of 1992--I was newly 16)

So in the canyon it was a bit of a cloudy day. Me and and my best friend (hi Tanya) were begging my dad to go to the Lake. We had been going nearly every weekend and we loved it. We didn't care if the weather wasn't that good. So he finally relented and we all went.

At the lake we'd tied up with some other boats of friends of my parents. My dad's bestfriend was there always. He had a son who was "cousins" (loosely by marriage) with these twin brothers that went to my highschool. They were 2 years older than I and my friend. We didn't know them really well although we definately knew of them. Well this particular weekend they were there at the lake. My friend and I had hoped this day would come (ha ha very hormonal teenage girls we were at the time). We rode up on the boat and there they were. Just imagine 2 very immature teenage girls at the mall...we were pretty similar to that image. Sickening yes but hey we all go through it ...

So the weekend (which turned out to be very nice weather) was spent getting to know them and oogling and gushing and being giddy and trying to figure out which one was which. After the first day I like one and she liked the other. Then the next day I got to spend some time with the one she liked while she went jet skiing with the one I liked. So then after that day I like the other one. She said "fine I'll like the other one then" Ha ha they were twins did it really matter??

Anyways I was driving at the time and they were driving their sister's car (hi sum) and we followed them to Swiss Village for some burgers. After this weekend we spent the days waiting for them to call...hoping...dreaming. Finally one day my future husband called.

He was pranking us and my parents answered. I don't remember what he said I just remember I was floating...

So long story short since I don't remember all the details of the call...I don't remember if he asked me out on a date then or if was a call or 2 later but he did eventually ask me out on a date. We dated a couple dates that summer and then he left for college.

And to think we nearly didn't go to the lake that weekend. Thanks dad!!!

That's pretty much where part one of the first start ends. There are a few ugly details but why relive the past huh? One thing I'll note is that a few months later nearing the new year I remember writing in my journal amongst all the signatures of my first name and his lastname... "I found the perfect guy for me at the wrong time in my life" I wrote that because I knew at the time this is a guy I could marry but neither of us were at that point in our lives.

Fast forward 2 years... (to be continued)

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