Saturday, August 11, 2007

Phew...I've been busy & School Plans

OK so I have been busy, although it doesn't look like much **my side bar people** (see previous post) but adding stuff to these blogs is tedious, time consuming work. At least it is for me. But it's fun. I feel like I have a real blog now. I just have to learn now how to blog about stuff people want to read. Well I'll get to that eventually, I kind of like to ramble anyways so I'm in no hurry.

So I was thinking. It's August and all and September is right around the corner which means a new school year. For a homeschool fam it could mean that and it could not. Some of us homeschool year round. Which is what we have done this summer. {Ok random question. Is "homeschool" one word or two?}

I'd like to say it's because we just love to school so much that we didn't want to stop but that's not quite the truth. This year was one of the hardest years of my life. I'll just lay it out there...that's what it was. I was up and down. One minute thanking God above that he called me to do this, looking forward and planning the years to come, the next minute looking for jobs online so I could afford private school and then the next minute thinking, "you know, public school doesn't look all that bad." {We don't need to mention the 3 or 4 near panic attacks I had this year} But anyways, we're just plain "behind" when it comes to the curriculum we're using. {Could that be because we didn't even school the entire month of April this year (March was a bad month)Maybe}

So we have schooled this summer. Before you think, "poor kids, don't even get a summer vacation," "schooled this summer" means this: about a week in June, a week and a half in July, and this past week of August. And a typical day is about 3-4 hours. So don't go feeling sorry for the little twerps.

Am I worried about being behind? No. Because what is "being behind" really? Compared to regular school is what we all think? Well my son isn't behind for a few reasons. For one, had he went to school this year I was going to have him do another year in Kindergarten (rather than first) for social reason not academic. Secondly, the work he's done this year is pretty advanced in my opinion so I think he's fine. Third, homeschool's timetable is just so different than regular school. Unless you do it, it's sort of hard to understand. And 4th, come Sept. we're abandoning our current curriculum to start a brand new one and we'll be starting my son with second grade and my daughter with Kindergarten. So when second grade starts he'll be second grade in everything but Math which we'll finish up with later in the fall and then start second. So we're fine.

So with all that said I was actually going to talk about curriculum in this post but I'll go ahead and save it for a later date. Oh and you know I should post also about why I continued to homeschool this year if this past one was so hard. I will here soon because that is a good subject.

Happy Sunday all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok I hope I don't sound like a dork this time. Well said about your home schooling. I love you and hope you have a nice day.

love, Jake