Sunday, November 04, 2018

Parenting is Exhausting

My son started puking last night.  First he puked in the truck.  Then, later, on the way to the bathroom.  He finally made it to the toilet on his last try.  Two loads of laundry and hosed out truck later we waited on pins and needles waiting to catch what he caught.

But it's not just the sicknesses (that seem to crop up and the most inopportune time) that are exhausting.  No.  In fact I'd say sickness is easy compared to the mental exhaustion that comes from trying to raise kids right.

Now that our kids are older Jake and I think back when our biggest worries were making sure we baby proofed our home, potty training, and sleep training.  Oh how I long for those days.

We are entering the tween years.  We have an 11 year old and a 9 year old and I love to watch them grow into the adults they will someday be but dealing with adult issues I admit, is freaking me out.  Questions, curiosity, and influences out of my control make me want to grab my kids and my copy of "How To Live In The Deep Wilderness and Thrive"and leave and never come back.


Jake and I are taking this phase one prayer, one day, one moment at a time.  We are crying out for wisdom, fully relying on it to get us through.  God commands us to not fear and not be anxious.  Why?  Because He's got it under control.  And that I have to remind myself of daily.

(If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. James 1:5)

And we've been experiencing this already.  As we approach all these new territories we ask and pray and trust.

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