Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Truth

Jesus said that He is the truth.

I had to remind myself of that tonight. As one roams around the internet one's mind can become overloaded with too much information. All too often information is conflicting and each side is right and has all the facts to prove it. Something one thought was true can be shattered in a moment.

It's taught me to 1) Know why I believe what I believe about anything and 2) know it for myself not be spoon fed my beliefs. It's also shown me how easy I believe something just because someone said it. How naive I've been not to question anything.

So in my quest to read about different sides I find myself confused. Who's right? Who's wrong? And if the side that the majority thinks is wrong is actually we're really in for it...we've been duped...there's more to than this world than meets the eye.

I'm not neccissarily talking spiritual beliefs here but more so just world affairs. For example, are the pharmaceutical companies really corrupt, are vaccines really causing harm to our children, was there something fishy going on behind the death of Nick Berg, is there one big huge conspiracy theory going on, population control, rockefeller monopoly... etc etc...

Seems sort of out there to even type that but you just never know what the truth is....

But I do. It's simply Jesus. Oh yah. I nearly got caught in the "web" of information lying wait for me in cyber space.

Of course there are those who don't believe that and can give you one million reasons why ... even calling Christianity the biggest conspiracy that ever was/is.

Oh well I fell for Jesus what can I say?


Anonymous said...

who's nick berg?

you surf to much

Anonymous said...

Hi..I do accept with what u say...sometimes we get too informative that we get entangled in all those and start doubting the basic ideas of life which we once accepted by Faith....May God strengthen us all to live In Him and to be strong in His faith and love..