Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My sissy!!!

My sissy taking a pic of me

Guess what I was doing tonight.... OH so much fun.

Going through 2006 files and getting ready to file taxes!!! WAHOOOO such joy!!!!!!!

Anyway I'm listening to a Christian Rap song. Kind of slow rap. It's somewhat soothing. I'm swaying back and forth in my chair to the beat. Go white girl!!

Yes IF ONLY I had a webcam in my house you all could've witnessed my moves today!! I was hiphoppin it up. My kids saw me and they weren't even phased. So funny. I was listening to TobyMac who is quite awesome and yes got a little into the music.

So anyway if only you could hear me sing in the car. I rock out to Carrie Underwoods new song "Before He Cheats"... I really like that song and I belt it out.

And anyway if you could only hear me when I chat with myself all day long like I'm having a conversation with someone...seriously. I think it's an effect from being home with my kids all these years. I talk about what I would've said in that situation...yah if I were tuff or something. What a DORK I am.

ha ha... anyways if Only people could be flies on the walls in our secret lives it would be quite interesting.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Remember Mark

I posted about this little boy right after the New Year. This little guy has been fighting for his life for over a month now. Please say a prayer for him and his family. You can click on his page and read up on him too.

Mark's page here

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oh-blah-dee Oh-blah-da Life Goes On

2007 has started off great. It's quite refreshing after "black cloud" December. December was so bleak for me. I feel like I've entered a new season, it's like a crisp, blue sky, January morning instead of a gray sky, rainy, typical Oregon day.

I thank God for the reprieve! I sure did need it. I wasn't sure how much more I could take. So here we are mid-month. School's been going well so far. We're a little behind where I'd like to be but we're moving along. I've learned so much these past few months about homeschooling and can't wait for next year to try some new ideas. Contrast that from December when I was for sure enrolling them back into private school.

But my heart is with homeschooling when I'm right in the head. I was just under that black cloud and was feeling quite wimpy. But I knew even in my downer mood that I could NOT make the decision based on feelings. God had lead me to it this year and I knew I needed to pray and see where He would lead for next year. I got an email from a fellow homeschool parent who was calling the dads to get together and pray and encourage eachother and to remember "why we are doing what we're doing!" Just reading that sentence reminded me that I'm not homeschooling for the fun of it or the emotion of it but because I believe it's what God wants of me and best for my children at this time...so I needed walk on that foundation again...I had gotten a little off course.

And so anyways our latest news is that our dear daughter has started ballet. It was so stinken cute!!! All the little girls look so sweet in there little ballet outfits! One mom was telling me how her daughter was so excited she slept in her outfit the night before. As was mine she just couldn't wait to go. She acted a bit shy but she did well.

I would post a pic but they didn't turn out well. Maybe next time. Oh and one last bit of info. If you haven't watched Band of Brothers you must do so!! Soooooooooo Good!! Fantastic. Loved it!


Friday, January 19, 2007

A New Milestone!

My sweet, darling, precious, 6 year old baby boy has 2 loose teeth! I couldn't believe it. I knew the time was coming but I was hoping it would wait even longer.

I was excited for him yet tears came to my eyes. My little boy keeps growing up. If only we could stop time sometimes.

So now it's only a matter of time and he'll have his first tooth gone or maybe first two. They are the 2 bottome middle teeth.

Have a good day peeps!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

yes i homeskool!

Homeschool blunder quickie--

--Today I was going through some sight word flash cards (homemade) with my son. The first card is labeled since there are other groupings within the pile of cards. Soooo... as I started the lesson I looked down and noticed I had labeled them "site words".

Maybe I'll learn to spell too this year.

**mood** just fine

January 2007... crazy thing. As they say, Time Flies!!! It really does. Does it ever get you thinking about what matters most? Why we are here? I don't think I could live believing there is no God, no Heaven, nothing beyond our mere existance.

How depressing that would be. Why even exist or care about right or wrong, good or bad, love or hate. What would it matter. In a few years it'd be over anyways.

Even with the belief in God unless one lives for him what really matters in life. Every thing would be temporary unless your living for the eternal. Everything would die with you unless you stored your treasures in Heaven.

Yes you could make an impact I suppose, leave a legacy but if you're spending eternity in Hell what does it matter? I don't know. Just random thoughts.

I'm definately NOT preaching here, believe me. I just, even as a Christian, have at times had to remind myself of my purpose in life and focus back on an eternal perspective because it's so easy to get worldly and concentrate on things that just don't matter all that much.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

It's now 2007! Happy New Year!! We had a quiet night at home. Earlier we had dinner with our neighbors and played games. Then came home and put the kiddos to bed. My husband and I spent some time in our new office and paid bills and worked on our budget. It was kind of nice though just getting things organized and spending some time together. Even if it is just paying bills it's nice.

Our new office is just our daughters old room. She's now rooming with her brother and we got our desk back from my sister who was using it for awhile.

Tonight I was reading up on some kids who are going through some rough things like cancer and other diseases or syndromes. Tonight there is a little boy fighting for his life. He has cancer and is post-transplant a couple of months. He had to go to the hospital a few days before Christmas and cried because he was afraid Santa wouldn't be able to find him. Christmas Eve he was intubated. He's got some serious infections or someting and fever and diarrhea that won't stop. As of right now he's still fighting.

It just reminded me to be thankful of the quiet night I'm having celebrating the New Year. I can be happy tonight and secure as my children lay sleeping peacefully in the room next to me. Not everyone can though this evening. Just remember to always be thankful for every day we have. Use that day and make the most of it. For it's not how long we live but how well. That's a quote from someone but I don't know who...but I like it.

Please pray for a little boy named Mark and his family as they face something unimaginable this very moment.
Mark's page here