Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oh-blah-dee Oh-blah-da Life Goes On

2007 has started off great. It's quite refreshing after "black cloud" December. December was so bleak for me. I feel like I've entered a new season, it's like a crisp, blue sky, January morning instead of a gray sky, rainy, typical Oregon day.

I thank God for the reprieve! I sure did need it. I wasn't sure how much more I could take. So here we are mid-month. School's been going well so far. We're a little behind where I'd like to be but we're moving along. I've learned so much these past few months about homeschooling and can't wait for next year to try some new ideas. Contrast that from December when I was for sure enrolling them back into private school.

But my heart is with homeschooling when I'm right in the head. I was just under that black cloud and was feeling quite wimpy. But I knew even in my downer mood that I could NOT make the decision based on feelings. God had lead me to it this year and I knew I needed to pray and see where He would lead for next year. I got an email from a fellow homeschool parent who was calling the dads to get together and pray and encourage eachother and to remember "why we are doing what we're doing!" Just reading that sentence reminded me that I'm not homeschooling for the fun of it or the emotion of it but because I believe it's what God wants of me and best for my children at this time...so I needed walk on that foundation again...I had gotten a little off course.

And so anyways our latest news is that our dear daughter has started ballet. It was so stinken cute!!! All the little girls look so sweet in there little ballet outfits! One mom was telling me how her daughter was so excited she slept in her outfit the night before. As was mine she just couldn't wait to go. She acted a bit shy but she did well.

I would post a pic but they didn't turn out well. Maybe next time. Oh and one last bit of info. If you haven't watched Band of Brothers you must do so!! Soooooooooo Good!! Fantastic. Loved it!


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