Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

It's now 2007! Happy New Year!! We had a quiet night at home. Earlier we had dinner with our neighbors and played games. Then came home and put the kiddos to bed. My husband and I spent some time in our new office and paid bills and worked on our budget. It was kind of nice though just getting things organized and spending some time together. Even if it is just paying bills it's nice.

Our new office is just our daughters old room. She's now rooming with her brother and we got our desk back from my sister who was using it for awhile.

Tonight I was reading up on some kids who are going through some rough things like cancer and other diseases or syndromes. Tonight there is a little boy fighting for his life. He has cancer and is post-transplant a couple of months. He had to go to the hospital a few days before Christmas and cried because he was afraid Santa wouldn't be able to find him. Christmas Eve he was intubated. He's got some serious infections or someting and fever and diarrhea that won't stop. As of right now he's still fighting.

It just reminded me to be thankful of the quiet night I'm having celebrating the New Year. I can be happy tonight and secure as my children lay sleeping peacefully in the room next to me. Not everyone can though this evening. Just remember to always be thankful for every day we have. Use that day and make the most of it. For it's not how long we live but how well. That's a quote from someone but I don't know who...but I like it.

Please pray for a little boy named Mark and his family as they face something unimaginable this very moment.
Mark's page here

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