Thursday, September 10, 2009

I feel like blogging...

So might as well do it on my old blog. I did write on my new one for awhile and then left it and now I'm on this one again. This one is closest to my heart though since it was my very first.

Today my kids started 1st and 4th grade. :) Fun times. Yesterday they had a "meet and greet" at their school and by God's sweet grace my daughter's 2 besties were there. That in turn made her excited for the next day of school. A day she'd been dreading.

The next day came and she left on the bus like nobody's business. My son was already excited to go back to see his best friends. (Later we found out one didn't come back.) And off they went on the yellow school bus. All smiles.

And I was happy.

I had already decided to head to the school to meet them there on their first day. Their still young enough where that's OK for mom to do. But it turned out to be a big mistake for my daughter, the big 1st grader. When she saw me the tears began to well up and she wiped them away one by one as they brimmed over. I knew I must get out of there. I prayed a quick prayer over her, encouraged her, and I was out the door.

And I was melancholy.

I went to see my son as fast as I could for the bell had already rung. I peeked in but he was already hard at work. (Later I found out it was a word search.) But he was content and happy I could tell. He had no bad feelings about the first day of 4th grade.

I was still down. My own tears wanted to form but I held them back. I know she'd be OK but I knew the battle was still here this year as it was last. And I had hoped it was over with the triumphant bus ride. I couldn't help but wonder should I have not peeked in at all? Had I not what would the next day have been like? Would she have been just as excited the second day?
Now I'll never know.

I do know she's not excited tonight as I type this... well not excited about school. I can hear her and her brother across the house making weird noises/screams when they should be in bed... Hmm I better go be mom and tuck them in and call it a night.

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