Saturday, September 12, 2009

Wow I have a blog

I was sitting here wondering what to do since I just exhausted the internet and remembered -- oh yah I have a blog again.



Ok so I have a new job.  It's official title is.... da da da dum.... Lunch Lady.

Today was my first day and I. Loved. It.  It is noise, chaos, and tons of cute kiddos.  I love getting to see my kids during the day and getting to know their classmates.  It's only 2 hours, 2 days a week.  And it's just fun.  My official role is "Monitor".  I hand out trays and such and tell the kids when they can be done and go to recess.  :)  Today I had to hold a bunch of quick eating, anxious 4th graders for 10 minutes.  At 10 seconds they started to count down.  And off they went...

But it was only my first day.  Let's hope it lasts.

In other news...


My dogs gas is seriously too much.  (He farted as I finished the sentence.)

**wafting hand in front of face**

Ok so in more serious news...

Uh I don't have anymore serious news.  I'll leave off on two notes.  First the last 2 days have been so good.  As in I've been happy!!  Days like these are rare and I cherish them.  They feel good.  Normally I'm melancholy or fighting off the blues or Satan or my own nagging negative personality but not these last 2 days.  Nope.

For that I'm thankful.

And lastly in honor of my first day as Lunch Lady I leave my faithful "reader" (if only in my head) with this video:


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