Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Words Of Encouragement

People sometimes describe words of Scripture as "jumping off the page" at them. Isaiah 53:3 did just that at me this morning.

"He (Jesus) is despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief."

Last night I was reflecting on how unhappy I seem. I am grateful for the things and people in my life. Very. But this world can be very depressing and the war of good and evil that goes on in my soul can be very tiring. The headlines in news can be unbelievably sad. My own sin shames me to tears often. Even the vastness of God can be so overwhelming I feel hopeless to ever grasp anything about him. All that gets me down. I feel sad a lot.

I was wondering if I should get some anti-depressants. Which I did once about 7 years ago. They helped me in the short term but I don't believe my sadness is chemical. I think it's just a result of life.

I often feel rejected--even if part of that rejection is my fault (introvert, fearful, shy). So although Jesus was rejected and despised, sorrowful and grief stricken for reasons much different than my own and completely justifiable the fact that words jumped out off the page and straight into my heart led me to believe that God was letting me know that He's been there and He understands. And He loves me.

And I'm not just a freak. ;)

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