Sunday, July 09, 2006

Here I Am Again On My Own...

... Going down the only Road I've ever known...
...Like a drifter I was born to walk alone...
...And I've made up my mind...
...I ain't wasting no more time...
...So here I go again...

Oh hi... sorry got caught up in the moment. Ok so. Yes. I am back!!! Oh and how it feels so good!! Not only am I back in blogland...I am back as ME!! For a few months I was out in the world of... yuckyville... and it was winter. Now it's spring and I'm in Refreshingburg!!

**breathe in****
**breathe out** oh now don't that feel good??

So let me just get everyone up to speed. And who everyone that is I do not know but anyways. OK so...I think I left off that my husband got a new job. That was a tough emotional transition for me and things are getting better there. He likes his new job and we like being back in our town.

So then we had to find a place fast because now my parents are headed to Califonia in our stead and will be using our trailer. So all month we looked and we just found a place (to rent) yesterday. It's a cute townhouse in a good neighborhood.

Spiritually God has lifted the fog and I'm am doing so so much better. Yes, a time of refreshing has begun and I'm so glad to be in this place. When it a spiritual fog one wonders if the day will ever come that it is over...we can't imagine it being so given how we feel...and then one day ... blue sky and we experience a fresh start... newly humbled, ever more grateful for His grace, His love, His goodness. Thank you Lord!!!!

So. That is it all in a nutshell. So up to the minute. Well right now my nephew is on the couch and he's spending the week with us. Tomorrow by kids hit the VBS circuit and I'm doing the babysitting thing for my sis-in-law. I'll have 5 kids (if you include my 13 year old nephew) all week long under my care from about 8-5 (give or take)... and all the while I will getting ready to move (7th time in a year and half --that's counting moving in and out of places).. getting ready to move during the evenings. I'll have a walk through on Friday and then we're outta here!!!!
Ok so we've been here since April 1...So what is that 3 months and 2 weeks. Wow that is not too bad.

So it really has not been that bad if you think about what you might think it would be like living in a 5th wheel with 2 kids and dog. The one thing I have to show for it though is rust colored hair!! I will be taking that with me for sure.

ok well i must go to be now it is getting late and i have a big day ahead of me tomorrow and hav eto get up early.

nighty night

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its good to hear from you again.
i missed your blog.
hang in there sis.
just three more days.