Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hi Peeps

Like...just to clarify. I never really go back and check my spelling and grammar but don't worry. I do no how too spel. My kidz r lernin. Yu du'nt haff to wurrie.

altho i do need two brush up on my gramer. itz bin uh wile sinse i hav dun that.

I dun't have iny deep thots rite now. nun. well sorta.

I can't stop myself from moving to the music of Forever Young by Alphaville...
I like listening to it

do you really want to live forver

forever young I want to be forever you really want to live forever forever foreveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr

***sway*** ***head moving back and forth eyes closed***

drifting off to memory land

Ok I'm serious now. So what is new???? I am going off to a nice romantic weekend at the sunny, I mean rainy, Oregon coast. Oh yes, just me, my husband, and..... my nice blistery, red cold sore growing on my lip. Like Aunt Flow, Mr. C. Sore likes to show up at the worst times. Is there ever a good time for a cold sore to show up?? NO!

Usually I get HUGE ones and I try not to even go out in public when I get them. Which is hard because from start to finish they last about 2 weeks. OH gosh I feel sooo attractive when I have them too. Usually they are bubbley, oozing and cover one half of my bottom lip from the inside to the edge of the outside.

Today I noticed it coming in and I popped every pill I have...lysine, garlic, bifidopholis (sp?????), and vitamins...drank lots of water and drank a six pack of Schlitz...not really. But yah so been popping lysine all day and have some lysine ointment. So far it is contained and not growing too big. Oh and yes I have been praying and telling the air that this cold sore will not manifest itself into its ugly self. And I'm Serious.

So yah I don't care I'm going to the stinkin coast anyways with my husband. The kids will be at Grandma's. Which they are super excited for.

It should be fun though if my sore stays small. We'll see.

Forever YOUNG,

Friday, February 23, 2007

Now vs. Later & Rise Above

These two ideas have been at the forefront of my mind lately.

Rise above helps me to remember that Satan wants to keep me down. In that place I am defeated and can go nowhere. When I rise above his oppression...then I can sore like an Eagle. He knows that and that's why he tries so hard to keep me down.

Now vs. Later has two applications. One is in light of Jesus coming back and the second is in light of truth vs lies. Truth vs. Lies has to do with the little lies I'll tell myself to excuse my current behavior. Instead ... all I have is now...I'm not guarenteed later. I first need to recognize it's a lie but also I need to do the right thing NOW...that's all I have.

Secondly, in light of Jesus coming's simply...when making choices what do I want to be found doing when He comes back.

So now I'm off. ~

Sunday, February 18, 2007

note to self: get camera fixed

Today me and my daughter went on a girlz nite, just the two of us. We went to Starbucks and she had cocoa and I had a mocha. It was funny, she's kept saying, "mommy I'm going to have a hot cocoa and you're going to have a hot chocolate." Too cute. She was so excited ever since I told her yesterday. ( I sure wish I had my camera I'm hoping it only needs new batteries)

See my son has his cousin sleeping over for 2 days and so I thought me and her could get out for some girl time. We did and it was perty fun.

This evening my son and his cousin Zachary built a big fort in his bedroom. I peeked in on them at bedtime and the lights were off and they had a flashlight in their fort. Too cute. (wish I had my camera)

Oh and then last weekend my son lost his first tooth....when my cam gets fixed I'll take a pic of it. Ha, only a mom would do that. But the story behind the first tooth pull is cute.

I'm dogsitting the "world's smartest dog" also this weekend. Her "mama" calls her that but I have to say Miss Maggie is pretty dang smart. I have to say she has stolen my heart and I don't mind sitting her one bit. She is VERY obedient, playful, and smart. She's a snuggler too and slept with me last night and will tonight too. We are sleeping on the couch since our daughter's in our bed since her room is filled with 2 little boys. So me and Maggie snuggle and snuggle. Her and my dog used to get along but lately not as well. My dog seems to have to establish his dominance and the piddle all the time ... annoying. And I'm sure he's a bit jealous too. Oh well she'll be gone tomorrow and then he can rule the roost again. If I had a camera I'd take a pic so everyone could see "THE WORLD'S SMARTEST DOG".

It's now 12.02... happy Monday all.

~Maggie's dog sitter

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Say a prayer...

**update** Mark is home.

The little fighter Mark I've posted about just recently is on his way HOME... his heavenly home with God. Pray for his parents as they let go and say goodbye.

Scroll down a couple of posts to see his link and previous post.

I don't understand things...someday I hope I will. But I guess I just have to hold on to the truth that God knows. It's so hard sometimes. At least Jesus said our faith only has to be the size of a mustard seed to move mountains. Even so when we pray with that small seed a faith we see a different outcome...

Anyways little Mark touched my heart. What a fighter, what a champ. He fought so hard...breaks my heart.

The bible says we mourn as those with hope...but right now my mourning is so empty, so without hope. I know God is there and that Mark is with God but...there's always a "but".

Increase my faith Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Happy Belated Birthday

This is my daughter (in red) and Miss Maddie at Christmas. Maddie turned 4 yesterday. Happy Birthday Maddie Patty

This is my sister and I on the fourth of July in 2004. I won't share her age with you except to say that I'm 11 years younger. Although I probably look older than she does. Anyways, Happy Birthday Sis!!!!

In other news we have been hosting an Eschatology (End Times) and Current Events study at our home for the last couple of weeks. It's been very good for me to really learn this view point of the end times. There are probably 4 main views on the end times. I tend to go with this view point that we are studying but I want to learn all of them and draw my own conclusion as to what I believe. This study has been great though giving me a solid knowledge base on this view.

For those of you that would like to study the End Times according to the Bible I've heard that a book (besides the Bible itself) by Steve Gregg called Revelations 4 Views (I believe that's what it's called) is a good, unbiased read. Steve Gregg definately has his own researched belief on the subject but he presents all four views and why they are believed by those who believe that way so that people can study and come to their own belief.