Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hi Peeps

Like...just to clarify. I never really go back and check my spelling and grammar but don't worry. I do no how too spel. My kidz r lernin. Yu du'nt haff to wurrie.

altho i do need two brush up on my gramer. itz bin uh wile sinse i hav dun that.

I dun't have iny deep thots rite now. nun. well sorta.

I can't stop myself from moving to the music of Forever Young by Alphaville...
I like listening to it

do you really want to live forver

forever young I want to be forever you really want to live forever forever foreveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr

***sway*** ***head moving back and forth eyes closed***

drifting off to memory land

Ok I'm serious now. So what is new???? I am going off to a nice romantic weekend at the sunny, I mean rainy, Oregon coast. Oh yes, just me, my husband, and..... my nice blistery, red cold sore growing on my lip. Like Aunt Flow, Mr. C. Sore likes to show up at the worst times. Is there ever a good time for a cold sore to show up?? NO!

Usually I get HUGE ones and I try not to even go out in public when I get them. Which is hard because from start to finish they last about 2 weeks. OH gosh I feel sooo attractive when I have them too. Usually they are bubbley, oozing and cover one half of my bottom lip from the inside to the edge of the outside.

Today I noticed it coming in and I popped every pill I have...lysine, garlic, bifidopholis (sp?????), and vitamins...drank lots of water and drank a six pack of Schlitz...not really. But yah so been popping lysine all day and have some lysine ointment. So far it is contained and not growing too big. Oh and yes I have been praying and telling the air that this cold sore will not manifest itself into its ugly self. And I'm Serious.

So yah I don't care I'm going to the stinkin coast anyways with my husband. The kids will be at Grandma's. Which they are super excited for.

It should be fun though if my sore stays small. We'll see.

Forever YOUNG,

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