Friday, February 23, 2007

Now vs. Later & Rise Above

These two ideas have been at the forefront of my mind lately.

Rise above helps me to remember that Satan wants to keep me down. In that place I am defeated and can go nowhere. When I rise above his oppression...then I can sore like an Eagle. He knows that and that's why he tries so hard to keep me down.

Now vs. Later has two applications. One is in light of Jesus coming back and the second is in light of truth vs lies. Truth vs. Lies has to do with the little lies I'll tell myself to excuse my current behavior. Instead ... all I have is now...I'm not guarenteed later. I first need to recognize it's a lie but also I need to do the right thing NOW...that's all I have.

Secondly, in light of Jesus coming's simply...when making choices what do I want to be found doing when He comes back.

So now I'm off. ~

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