Monday, May 30, 2011

2 Corinthians Prayer

I prayed through these verses in 2 Corinthians yesterday.    Just changing it to first person in a petition form.  "May I live in such a way that... In everything I do may I ...If I be beaten... May I prove myself by my purity..."  It was really powerful for me.
2 Corinthians 6:3-10
We live in such a way that no one will stumble because of us, and no one will find fault with our ministry.4In everything we do, we show that we are true ministers of God. We patiently endure troubles and hardships and calamities of every kind. 5We have been beaten, been put in prison, faced angry mobs, worked to exhaustion, endured sleepless nights, and gone without food. 6We prove ourselves by our purity, our understanding, our patience, our kindness, by the Holy Spirit within us,c and by our sincere love. 7We faithfully preach the truth. God’s power is working in us. We use the weapons of righteousness in the right hand for attack and the left hand for defense. 8We serve God whether people honor us or despise us, whether they slander us or praise us. We are honest, but they call us impostors. 9We are ignored, even though we are well known. We live close to death, but we are still alive. We have been beaten, but we have not been killed. 10Our hearts ache, but we always have joy. We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others. We own nothing, and yet we have everything.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Daily Lessons & Gratitude

And I said, "This is my anguish; But I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High." I will remember the works of the LORD; Surely I will remember Your wonders of old. I will also meditate on all Your work, And talk of Your deeds.  Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary; Who is so great a God as our God? You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples. You have with Your arm redeemed Your people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph."

My 18 year old nephew is staying with us this weekend.  Talk about remembering--I can remember the day he was born.  I can remember a lot about this kid.  Glad we're getting to spend some time with him this weekend.  He seems so grown up yet (his musical skills on the drums and guitar and his gargantuan size) yet still a crazy kid (playing Mario with my kids and jumping on the trampoline, texting like a madman.)

Daily Lessons:
Believing (for...healing, salvation, etc) until the end.  That's what friends do.  That's what faith does.
Believing with people.  A powerful bond and something that just needs to be done.
A foolish woman tears her house down.  A wise one builds it up.
I can't love God when I'm not loving... them, her, him etc.
Praying for myself in the way I pray for others keeps me from pride and judgement

149.  Hope
150.  Finishing a good book.  
151.  Books 
152.  The desire to read
153.  That much blessing comes from hard work and not just easily given
154.  Thankfulness - a result of being filled with the Spirit.

Five days left of school!  Woot Woot.  Have a good weekend.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Daily Lessons & Gratitude

May has been good.  I'm reveling in it.  Just enjoy it Kelli.

Daily Gratitude

131. mornings! (again)
132. healing, renewal, new growth, in lives where fall and winter had left the branches bare and bitten.
133. praying and intercession!  the joy of knowing prayer works and helps.
134. the challenge and responsibility of homeschool!
135. health
136. prayers and hope of the saints.

137. the power of praying over my kids and husband in front of them
138. son waking up and journaling (boy after my own heart)
139 kids like going to Cru and knowing some of the college kids

140. words like: abide, dwell, be filled, portion, Source
141. free Great Harvest bread 
142. iced chai tea 
143. the look on Bekah's face after tasting iced chai for the first time.  I'm still laughing.  She liked it!
144. homeschool group show and tell ... utter adorableness.  
145. God's glory in the midst of tragedy. 

Daily Lessons
5/17/11 - ? - must not been paying attention this day.
Free days aren't all they're cracked up to be.  I miss my time in the Word and my quiet peaceful unhurried times with the Lord.  (having to do with a Get up and in the Word challenge that gives us 2 free days to sleep in...but I'm finding I don't want to even if it's hard getting up at 5am because my times with Him are so fulfilling, I miss them.)

When a cycle of love-in-action is broken you can't wait for the other one to start.  And starting yourself is a great exercise in dependence and trust in the the Lord and humility.  It also will begin to soften a hard heart(s) and fill love tanks.  (And it may be that the other has tried to start but I was not in a place to receive due to hardness of heart and deception.  Either way starting or joining in takes a step of faith and humility but it is worth it.)  

Daily Witness 
Seeing God take me from the depths of depression to the most wonderful month I've had in a long time and someone telling me that she thinks depression is no longer a foot hold in my life.  Amen!  I believe her.

And finally I was reading in Ephesians 5 last night with some wonderful ladies and it talked of how gratitude is an effect of being filled by the Spirit.  I never caught that before but it makes sense.  Thankfulness itself is a gift of God. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Daily Lessons & Gratitude

I'm enjoying keeping my lists.  I sometimes forget as I get busy throughout the day to write them down but as long as I get some down time in the morning or the evening I can remember... thus the whole stinking point Kelli duh... But so yeah totally proves my point to why I'm doing this.  I look back and remember what God has done each day.  My mood has been better lately too...

I've also changed up my diet and cut sugar out and processed foods drastically and added more protein and a lot less carbs and I am loving that as well (and much more fruit and veggies).  It has helped my mood as well.  

And lastly I've been having morning quiet times at 5 am 5 days of the week and that has helped my mood.

Who would've thunk that remembering God's hand in my life daily, eating healthier, and spending my mornings with Him would make me feel so much better??  I'm shaking my head.  Oh Kelli...

Anywho here's my lists for the last couple of days.


create beautiful things to bring glory to God.

Learning to be myself and leave the results up to God... so less tiring then tying my security to people.
Creating to Glorify Him...


116. the stirring of my kids in the morning
117. my kids baptism
118. learning to be myself, tying my security to God
119. getting to know women and hearing of God's work in their lives.
120.  Christ the ultimate gift. :)
121. New friends at church for my daughter
122. God slowly warming me up to things.
123. lives changed and decided for Christ, raising to new life out of the water.
124. willingness to be poured out for Christ
125. a nice conversation at church
126. hard work, my path, creating/making beautiful,convo with God about why?
127. Learning to understand the person I've spend the last 14+ years with.
128. simple feelings of happiness/joy/contentment
129. Healthy, real food
130. finally learning the food that makes me feel better!!

And my new witness list.  (think amazing things He's doing or done lately)
1. My children were baptized along with many others Sunday!  
2. Healing my insecurities, helping me be myself, freedom to be myself.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Daily Remembering

Still trying to name these posts, my lists of daily lessons and gratitude.  Daily Lessons & Gratitude?  Hm.  Maybe.  Anyways these lists are where I am right now.  They keep me positive and looking at what God is doing in my life.  I'm thinking of adding a "Witness" column... or something like that remembering what God's done... Like how the Israelites would put stones in a place to remember what God did.

5/12 & 5/13


I need boundaries for everything.  And then accountability/partnership.  They give me goals and guidelines and motivation and create discipline.

Leadership creates humility (or rather can if I let it--like failing in front of others, allowing God to change my agendas.  Vulnerability.)  Don't be too lazy to be ambitious or too fearful to take risks.  Submit your leadership to God and let Him lead it and you deliver it...

God is the motivation, the satisfaction... but sometimes I have to remind myself of that.  

We are not above any sin.  We must have accountability and partnership and prayer partners to stay above reproach for the sake of our testimony and because we love Him and He loves us.  And because of the enemy seeking our demise.

Made to manage and create.  God is all about beauty.

Gratitude (from my 1000 gifts list)

111. daily lesson learning.
112. eating dinner on top of the picnic the sun.  
113. spinach
114. yams

115.  God waking me up again at 5am to spend time in His word and prayer.  loved

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Daily Lessons and Gratitude

Daily Lists:  Lessons Learned, Thankfulness

Lessons Learned 5/11/11

Sacrifice or regret - you decide
My desire is for Him :) Just need to follow it and go with the promptings of the Spirit. Fan the flame.
Praying always - not just staying close to Him but to others despite the distance as a I pray for the - a true spiritual connection.
Moderation is a discipline that may be harder than fasting altogether.  (But practicing fasting will help in practicing moderation for me  Shows me that I don't have to give in to the hunger.)
Relationship is truly where it's at.
Dawned on me why I don't love blogging - no clean slate.  No "new journal" feel.  And that's why I kept starting new blogs...wanted that new journal feel but then didn't like all my floating, abandoned blogs hanging out in cyber space.  So why do I keep blogging?


Bible study girls, Logan, Bekah, Melissa, Jasmine, & Jenya
Retreat girls, Rindy, Alyssa, and Hannah
Fast breaks: m&m's and sugar :) (but not too much...)
Park and coffee with old friend=NICE
Women encouraging women (Get up and In the Word)