Friday, December 23, 2005

Rebekah's Inspiration

I want to encourage anyone who reads this blog to visit I don't know if this will link to it because I don't know how to add links. So maybe it just does it automatically. Anyways I just thought that this page is good for everyone to know about and help and pray for this little girl and her family. Also around this season (really it should be all year) we need to remember what we have...all the blessings we have and focus on that instead of what we don't have or wish we had.

Not like a guilt trip or anything but just a reminder to keep our focus on what's important. I know in the midst of my own pity parties I selfishly say ... well so what that people may be going through things that are worse than what I'm going through this is what i'm going through right now and it hurts. Which has some truth to it. Our pains hurt even if they are not as bad as other people's pain but wallow in them I and we should not.

I challenge us all not to wallow in our self pity this new year and instead take that energy and focus it somewhere positive and definately off our self. Do something nice for someone, give a friend a call, pray for someone, clean your house, plan a romantic evening for your spouse, do something you've been putting off and off and off, go workout, hug your kids and play a game with them... you get the picture.

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