Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Too Distracting

What's too distracting? All my thoughts...trying to figure everything out. But all I do when trying to figure things out is think, pray, and read the Bible. Is that all I need to do? Or do I consult and get a hundred different opinions. Do I do research and hear each side of the story each with convincing arguments and leave no better than I came. Or do I just think, pray, and read the Bible and trust God with what he tells me and where he takes me?

That sounds simple enough. But then am I being ignorant. Am I not searching enough and just going with what feels right? Or should I be ashamed for saying God's leading is what feels right? When really it's his truth leading me and by saying it's my feelings I'm lacking faith?

So still the first sounds better but I'm still bombarded by the opinions and may I say very different opinions of the many Christians in my life. One believes this way, one that, one website says this and one says that. All have Scripture backing them up and real life experiences, confirmations, and answered prayer to back them up. I get so confused.

So then I sit down with my journal and Bible in hand, I pray or cry out rather...God help me. You're not the God of confusion...why am I so confused? Lord get me back on track. And all though He doesn't answer all my questions right then and there I have peace. And what a feeling that is.

That is until the next flow of opinions come and I'm confused again. Why is it that I haven't formed my own opinions? Do I lack depth? I used to feel that I had them and then all these other ones come along and say no that's wrong and you missed the mark there, and you don't do this so you're way off track... At first I resist but then I give it all to God. And sometimes those other opinions are right. But them sometimes they're not. Sometimes they sound so right but them I research it and another person says no no no that is not right.

I'm being vague on purpose. I don't have it all figured out. And so what? Does it really matter. When I get alone with God it doesn't. What matters is that I sincerely seek Him, completely trust Him, and love and do good when the opportunity presents itself. God will draw me close to him because I'm drawing near to Him. He'll give me his Holy Spirit because I sincerly seek it and I'm his child. He leads and I follow and we walk together on this dot in eternity.

At least God is not an opinion. Jesus says, "I am the way and the truth and the life..."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetie,

Sorry your so confused. I get confused as well I just don't put it out there like you. Your are brave.

I know that we are seek Him for all the answers and I know I don't always do that. I know that I need to do that.

I think you are on the right track.

Keep pursuing God and He will always be there for you.
