Thursday, September 28, 2006

For Brooke

We miss you too Brooke!!! We love you and hope to see you soon. Maybe you can come stay with us this weekend.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

A new week begins.

I don't get on the computer as much since I started homeschooling. Even now I'm staying up too late so I can post.

Another week will start tomorrow. After finishing well the first week I started to doubt over the weekend and stress. What am I doing? Can I even do this? Am I going to really mess up my kids? Ugh. But then a strange thing happened. I started to prepare for the upcoming week late tonight and in doing so it refreshed my memory of all the things I enjoyed this past week. Like the feeling of accomplishment, starting to see my son and daughter learn things that I taught them, and just being with them. By the time I was done the negative attitude was gone and I was excited to start the week again.

I was very thankful to the Lord for the reminder. Also for His grace since I had a "poor me" attitude a lot today.

Earlier though before all this I reminded my son (who went to one year of Kindergarten last year at a private school) that we do school tomorrow. I asked if he was excited (doubting he would be). He said he was but wanted to make sure we're doing homeschool and not real school (as he calles the two). I was encouraged that he's still enjoying homeschool despite a few rough spots last week.

So off to bed I go because mama really needs her rest these days. Adding "teacher" to my list of to-do's really wipes me out by the end of the day.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pics From Our Trip

My daddy pointing out the jobsite from a veiw point. Probably hard to see in this pic, especially if you don't know what you're looking for.

We got snow one day!! Fun for the kids.

This was at a farm on Apple Hill. Honey Bear Ranch I think.

And this is my fave pic of my kids overlooking Donner Lake.

We arrived home safely Sunday night. I started homeschooling on Monday...and after a brief shock to my system I am back.

Hope you enjoy.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I got tagged... :o)

From my new friend Crystal. I had some time on the computer today and was checkin out her blog and got to the end of this post and saw I was tagged. Cool! Crystal Thanks!! This is my first tag. Hee hee. I'm still in Truckee CA but I found a minute to get on the computer when my dad wasn't hoggin it. I didn't think anyone spent more time on the computer than me... but I think he does. Well when he's not working.

Ok so here it goes.

1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be? Anywhere?? Hmm, good question. I really don't know. I'll just say anywhere as long as there was room to run for my kids and dog.

2. What's your favorite article of clothing? Ha husband told me it was this blue Nautica T-shirt that I wear all the time...which I do like but I only where it so much because I don't have many clothes and it's big but not too baggy...I'll just agree with him but I have to couple it with my jean capri's and nike flip flops.

3. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? My fave on my husband would be..a toss up between his arms and stomach.

4. What's the last CD that you bought? I just bought WOW worship but that was because I didn't send back the thing in time from the CD club. So the last one I bought by choice was David Crowder Band and Reliant K.

5. Where's your favorite place to be? With family and friends.

6. Where is your least favorite place to be? In front of my sink doing dishes. Ugh.

7. What's your favorite place to be massaged? My lower's always sore...

8. Strong in mind or strong in body? They both need a workout. Lately my mind gets more working out so I'll say, Mind.

9. What time do you wake up in the morning? 6:30 if my husband wakes me up or 8ish if he doesn't.

10. What is your favorite kitchen appliance? Oh I like my garlic press. I feel cool when I use it.

11. What makes you really angry? Oh my I agree with Crystal...too many things that shouldn't.

12. If you could play any instrument, what would it be? The guitar.

13. Favorite color? Red.

14. Which do you prefer...Sports car or SUV? SUV baby.

15. Do you believe in an afterlife? I believe in Heaven and Hell.

16. Favorite children's book? Don't have one right now but I'll be reading quite a few this year so we'll see. Oh wait I just remembered I do like Snuggle least it has the most sentimental value to me because my daughter loved it so much and I loved reading it to her.

17. What is your favorite season? Spring I love seeing the blue sky after months and months of gray and rain.

18. What is your least favorite household chore? Do I have to choose. Chores are annoying. But I'll say dishes. They are always taunting me.

19. If you could have one super power, what would it be? I would love to fly or be invisible.

20. If you have a tattoo, what is it? Maybe the Fish symbol or Jesus's name in Hebrew.

21. Can you juggle? For about two-three seconds at a time.

22. The one person from your past that you wish you could go back and talk to? My late friend Jangie or my old best friend Brenda.

23. What's your favorite day? Weekends.

24. What's in the trunk of your car? Toys and dirty clothes from this trip.

25. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger? Neither...I like both though but right now neither sounds very good. How about Carmel...I just bought some from Old Town Truckee.

Wow I'm done...and good thing my kids are near melt down. Thanks the way your latest tag about the 7 things--I'm the same as you on number 3 and my husband feels the same way as yours does...ha ha. Poor guys.

Over and Out from Truckee.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Here In Truckee

A view of Donner Lake. (We are staying right on this lake)

I wasn't going to blog while I was gone but I have some time so why not? Truckee is a nice place. I was so curious to see what my would've been future home is like. I think in some ways I would've liked it here...but I don't how I would've liked the winters. Truckee is 5000+ feet. Where my dad is working is 7000+ feet. He is getting snow today. The weather took a cold turn since we've been here.

I'll try to quickly just say what we've done since we've been here. The first day just drove through Truckee, including Old Town. We then took a narrow road up the steep and rocky mountains to a vista point that overlooked Donner Lake. That was pretty. I have pics that I'll post when I get home. Then we went to one of the 2 public beach access on the lake. It was hot this day and so that was fun. There is also a nice park there where the kids played.

The second day (yesterday) we went to Apple Hill which is about 2 hours away in Placerville. That was OK. It was a bit of a letdown...I think had we went on a weekend it would've been a lot more it was farms were closed and not much of the attractions were going. I would recommend it to people but go on a weekend. I think if we get a chanc to go again next year then it'll be fun.

Before I leave I'd like to walk Old Town and go to the Donner Memorial SP and read up on some history. This area is so rich in early American History. I'd like to come back some day and take some time to really soak it in.

So... take some time and click on the links and explore futher if you'd like. Until next time...

K in T, CA

Friday, September 08, 2006


So it's Friday night. We have 2 cousins sleeping over tonight. Cute stuff. Although I just came from comforting one who wanted his daddy and was sobbing almost uncontrollably there for a bit....I thought oh might have to call daddy but he settled down and is now asleep. Poor guy.

There are things in my mind right now that I can't post. But they are oh so bugging me. They are things I have no control over and I have to just get over. Oh but from now til then...they bug me. But I'm happy to know that I'm not alone in my feelings. That others get bugged by the same thing and so that makes me not feel so bad. Because for awhile I thought I may be the only one and that makes me wonder...maybe the problem is me? But it's not. BUT I do have power to handle it in a Godly manner and if I don't then I have the problem and the annoying issue is secondary. Get my drift?

So lately I've been putting more energy into my myspace and not my blog. I've been decorating it with my favorite things and making it purty. I won't link it since it's set to private...but trust me it's pretty cool! Hee hee :)

Ok and so I guess I should say I might not update this for awhile after tonight. I have a busy weekend and then leave to Cali for a if I seem's because I am.

I have no profound things so say. Except that a couple things have come to my mind regarding this here blog. One is that...I started this blog more as a think-out-loud type of blog...with a purpose to encourage and pass on things the Lord has been teaching me in my life. Lately it has become an update about my life blog. Second I don't want my blog to be idle chit chat I want it to have some depth. So... I think in the future I'm going to transition back to the more contemplative discussion blog with a purpse and less of an updative blog. Although I will inject a few updates and pics for family members and those who care of things that I think are noteworthy and that they'd want to know. (not really profound...but you know ... whatever)

I want to be prayerful about this blog. I've been thinking a lot about my purpose in life and that everything I do needs to have an eternal purpose to it so that it will matter for eternity in someway, shape, or least that would be my goal. I think a blog can have eternal purpose if I go about it prayerfully and follow God's lead. So I think I'm going to be praying more for things to blog about that might touch someones heart or lead people to think or pray.

Side note: "lead people to think".... many years in my life I didn't think. I didn't strive to understand or draw conclusions for myself. I was satisfied being spoon fed information. I went with the flow, I looked around to see what others were doing and I did that. In college I learned that learning could be GREAT and in the last few years God's been leading me to THINK! Think deep, analyze, draw conclusions, ask why...etc especially about my own convictions and Scripture. It's been a good journey.

Have a good weekend world.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Points of Interest.

1)Dinner turned out NUMMY... but to no surprise my light-weight hubby could barely eat any of it.

2)Can't wait to do it again...but next Tues. I will not be here but in Californ-i-a visiting my Mommy and Daddy.

3)Maybe we'll do it Monday night but not so much detail. Just cozy family dinner.

4)...My Rachael Ray 30 minute meal took me an hour. BUT...I had to defrost the chicken so that took a bit of time and cooking the chicken took along time. I will get the hang of it and one day I will conquer the 30 minute meal...

5)Tomorrow will have 2 boys spending the night. Both my boys cousin. Should make for an interesting night.

6)Procrastination is my weakness.

7)I could VENT right now but won't...instead I'll take it to God.

8)Have playdate tomorrow with new friend. Should be fun!!

9)Shop tonight for dear daughters birthday presents. (Bike is one of them)

10)I have a full weekend...but FUN...

----Friday game night
----Sat. Girlz day
----Sun. Partay!!

That is all for now.


Monday, September 04, 2006

Just Get to the Point.

I cannot get words out on this blog today. Everything I write I delete. So now I'm just getting to the points.

1) Good weekend!! Great family time.
2) Enjoyed Church very much yesterday.
3) Enjoyed the coast yesterday.
4) We took our dog.... he's more of an indoor dog.
5) Mo's at Otter Rock is cool!
6) Learned lessons from the disease Leprosy at church (might have to blog about it sometime)
7) Learned lesson about humility as well. (Might blog about that sometime too)
8) Sad about Steve Irwin's passing...shocked too. Very sad for his wife and kids. :o(
9) Will post pics soon (maybe tomorrow) of beach day yesterday.
10) Have a busy week ahead of me.

Oh and guess what? I'm making a meal for my family tomorrow night from a Rachael Ray cook book.. ha ha. We're starting a new Tuesday Night Family Dinner. Since that night my husband doesn't practice we're going to have a nice family dinner. On the menu is: (can't remember the names exactly and don't have the book in front of me)

--rosemary chicken
--some kind of ravioli
--tomatoe onion salad.. (sounds weird but I think it'll be good)
--diet a&w rootbeer
--light safeway select choc. chip cookie dough icecream

The last two are not from the cook book. I'm also using T.N.F.D for experimental cooking. But I'm sure it'll be good food. I think.

More in depth postings coming soon...


Saturday, September 02, 2006

Pics of Fun

Sort of ... more like... pics of my kids while we were doing fun things.

Today we went to the zoo. Fun but quite hot. By the end of the day we were all pretty hot and tired. I really wanted to go to the beach today but the kids' votes outnumbered mine so off to the zoo we went.

Here are some picturoonies. Pics of my kids at the football game, pics of my kids at the zoo. Then one pic of my son's and my creation we made with one of our new homeschool "toys"...some geometric shapes. We were just putting them together and the finished project, we determined, looked like a fish.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Fun times

Things here have been fun lately. I posted already about the coast getaway and then the pool party...

Then Thursday we went to the Beaver Football Season opener where WE won against E. Washington. Got to meet a new "friend" and chat a bit. A couple of pics of that shall soon follow, maybe tomorrow.

Then today I went and had lunch with my good friend kandjmom and had a good time catching up with her and letting the kiddo's play. We also had some friends over for dinner tonight...but I tell you what--it really seemed like we were being attacked from the Enemy. This is the first time we've had dinner with this couple. We tried to have it at a park near our house (BBQ) which in the past BBQ's at parks have never been a problem. This time bees swarmed us--would not leave us alone so much so we had to pack up mid meal and walk back to our house. In addition while that was going on wind just blew everything everywhere. Things were dropping left and right. We could not sit down and have a conversation.

So we get in the house and my husband brings the cooler in filled with ice and pop and he accidently drops it and ice and water spill all over the carpet and kitchen floor. By this time I just laughed but...inside I was a bit peeved as well. I went out in the garage for a bit and said a quick prayer.

We then put on some praise music and things started to quiet down. We finished our meal and the kids went to play and we could finally talk. It was frustrating at first but finished well. And lo and behold I find out this mom homeschools!! How cool is that?

On a different yet related note is that I'm starting to get settled here finally. I'm feeling that I'm making connections with people and see future connections happening especially with other homeschool moms and friends that I've been mostly aquaintances with until now. It's nice because all this moving has got me quite stirred up inside and feeling foggy. Longing for the past when things were simple and predictable and reliable.

When I first moved here I was so emotionally upset because of all the moving we'd done that even though all along I had wanted this move I was sad. I missed home. I just cried and prayed for the Lord to surround us with friends and trusted Him that this is where He wanted us. I felt a bit dumb for always praying to be here and then wishing I wasn't. Confessing my constant discontentment. But God's will for us being here was undeniable so I trusted that despite the pain I felt. It's starting to work out. I'm even accepting this little place we live in even if it has no yard. We're meeting neighbors and I always like that and feel more at home when I meet and talk with those living next to us.

So that's the positive note I'll end on. Have a fab weekend everyone. Enjoy the sunshine. Mostly just rejoice in God's goodness... Three lessons I've learned from Job this week are

1) The Lord gives and the Lord takes away ... Blessed be the name of the Lord. 1:21
2) Shall we accept good from God and not trouble? 2:10
3) Though He slay me I will hope in Him!
