Friday, September 08, 2006


So it's Friday night. We have 2 cousins sleeping over tonight. Cute stuff. Although I just came from comforting one who wanted his daddy and was sobbing almost uncontrollably there for a bit....I thought oh might have to call daddy but he settled down and is now asleep. Poor guy.

There are things in my mind right now that I can't post. But they are oh so bugging me. They are things I have no control over and I have to just get over. Oh but from now til then...they bug me. But I'm happy to know that I'm not alone in my feelings. That others get bugged by the same thing and so that makes me not feel so bad. Because for awhile I thought I may be the only one and that makes me wonder...maybe the problem is me? But it's not. BUT I do have power to handle it in a Godly manner and if I don't then I have the problem and the annoying issue is secondary. Get my drift?

So lately I've been putting more energy into my myspace and not my blog. I've been decorating it with my favorite things and making it purty. I won't link it since it's set to private...but trust me it's pretty cool! Hee hee :)

Ok and so I guess I should say I might not update this for awhile after tonight. I have a busy weekend and then leave to Cali for a if I seem's because I am.

I have no profound things so say. Except that a couple things have come to my mind regarding this here blog. One is that...I started this blog more as a think-out-loud type of blog...with a purpose to encourage and pass on things the Lord has been teaching me in my life. Lately it has become an update about my life blog. Second I don't want my blog to be idle chit chat I want it to have some depth. So... I think in the future I'm going to transition back to the more contemplative discussion blog with a purpse and less of an updative blog. Although I will inject a few updates and pics for family members and those who care of things that I think are noteworthy and that they'd want to know. (not really profound...but you know ... whatever)

I want to be prayerful about this blog. I've been thinking a lot about my purpose in life and that everything I do needs to have an eternal purpose to it so that it will matter for eternity in someway, shape, or least that would be my goal. I think a blog can have eternal purpose if I go about it prayerfully and follow God's lead. So I think I'm going to be praying more for things to blog about that might touch someones heart or lead people to think or pray.

Side note: "lead people to think".... many years in my life I didn't think. I didn't strive to understand or draw conclusions for myself. I was satisfied being spoon fed information. I went with the flow, I looked around to see what others were doing and I did that. In college I learned that learning could be GREAT and in the last few years God's been leading me to THINK! Think deep, analyze, draw conclusions, ask why...etc especially about my own convictions and Scripture. It's been a good journey.

Have a good weekend world.

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