Friday, September 01, 2006

Fun times

Things here have been fun lately. I posted already about the coast getaway and then the pool party...

Then Thursday we went to the Beaver Football Season opener where WE won against E. Washington. Got to meet a new "friend" and chat a bit. A couple of pics of that shall soon follow, maybe tomorrow.

Then today I went and had lunch with my good friend kandjmom and had a good time catching up with her and letting the kiddo's play. We also had some friends over for dinner tonight...but I tell you what--it really seemed like we were being attacked from the Enemy. This is the first time we've had dinner with this couple. We tried to have it at a park near our house (BBQ) which in the past BBQ's at parks have never been a problem. This time bees swarmed us--would not leave us alone so much so we had to pack up mid meal and walk back to our house. In addition while that was going on wind just blew everything everywhere. Things were dropping left and right. We could not sit down and have a conversation.

So we get in the house and my husband brings the cooler in filled with ice and pop and he accidently drops it and ice and water spill all over the carpet and kitchen floor. By this time I just laughed but...inside I was a bit peeved as well. I went out in the garage for a bit and said a quick prayer.

We then put on some praise music and things started to quiet down. We finished our meal and the kids went to play and we could finally talk. It was frustrating at first but finished well. And lo and behold I find out this mom homeschools!! How cool is that?

On a different yet related note is that I'm starting to get settled here finally. I'm feeling that I'm making connections with people and see future connections happening especially with other homeschool moms and friends that I've been mostly aquaintances with until now. It's nice because all this moving has got me quite stirred up inside and feeling foggy. Longing for the past when things were simple and predictable and reliable.

When I first moved here I was so emotionally upset because of all the moving we'd done that even though all along I had wanted this move I was sad. I missed home. I just cried and prayed for the Lord to surround us with friends and trusted Him that this is where He wanted us. I felt a bit dumb for always praying to be here and then wishing I wasn't. Confessing my constant discontentment. But God's will for us being here was undeniable so I trusted that despite the pain I felt. It's starting to work out. I'm even accepting this little place we live in even if it has no yard. We're meeting neighbors and I always like that and feel more at home when I meet and talk with those living next to us.

So that's the positive note I'll end on. Have a fab weekend everyone. Enjoy the sunshine. Mostly just rejoice in God's goodness... Three lessons I've learned from Job this week are

1) The Lord gives and the Lord takes away ... Blessed be the name of the Lord. 1:21
2) Shall we accept good from God and not trouble? 2:10
3) Though He slay me I will hope in Him!


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