Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Help Wanted...

Needed: Well qualified individual to give me a good, swift kick in the butt every day to get me up and at 'em!

Must have experience and references.

Must own a nice pair of boots.

Job requirements include being at my home everyday by 7am. Must be able to pull/lift 150+ pounds (give or take) out of bed/off couch/out of chairs. Must know how to make a good up of Joe. Must be able to endure the wrath of tired, stay at home, sleep deprived, home schooling mama of 2 and not take rude, mean or irrational comments personally.

Job description: A typical day would be arriving at my home by 7am. Making a pot of coffee. Pulling me out of bed. Kicking me down the hall. Only let me sit at table (not on couch) while drinking coffee. Then you must shout orders for what I'm to do, kids up and breakfast, schooling, bible reading and prayer (must be able to prioritize and schedule). Any time I stall or sit down you are to pull me up and kick me in the butt. At no time may you let me sit down at the computer...for once there roots start to grown into the seat. Your days end when poor husband comes home and must take over from there.

Former Drill Sargents a plus.

Life is FREAKIN Crayz (intentional misspelling)

Cray-z (That's my new Rapper name) Yo Yo Cray-Z J

Ok I like that: Yo Yo Cray-Z J

Yo Yo because that is my emotional state at all times.

Cray-Z because I am crazy and going crazy and feel crazy every day and I like the unique spelling

J because it flows well...not because my name starts with a J.

By the way, party at my house on SATURDAY!!! Par-tay!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

***pee'ing my pants***

J just told him the one about the priest, the weiner dog, and the pollock...

8 Loads

TruckLoads that is. Of yard debris we hauled off today....Ok so see the right side of the garage--that walk-way was ALL ivey... you could not see anything down there. See all those stumps and wood debris. That was all buried in the ive. We didn't even know it was there. Included in that was multiple sheets of plywood, more piles of wood and even some doors (currently in the back yard) all in the ivy that you couldn't see. See the marking on the garage by the window. That is from the ivy. It swarmed up the wall onto the roof and was making it's way INSIDE the garage. It spanned from our house to the fence and down the entire side, to the ivy that was just in the previous post. It was a nightmare. But it's GONE now.

We still have probably about 6 truck loads of debris left in the back we did not get it all today and J worked from 9-3 taking loads.

Yard Work After Pictures

This is the "after" pics of 2 or 3 posts ago. BTW, I just posted some b&a's of another spot and blogger screwed up and I lost it....annoying...

So here they are...

More Yard Work...

Before and After or MORE vine/ivy action going on here...

So this is the after

and this is the Before...

I couldn't get them in the right order it was sort of annoying...

Before and After

The overgrown ivy in our back yard...(for newcomers, we just moved here...) The building is the back of our garage. The ivy is growing her, on the fence, and down the side of the garage.

Just another angle.

Ta Da!! We just took this pic today.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Yard Work Before Picture

This is a hedge on one border of our house that was very over grown. We pruned it and edged on the opposite side. Today J is hauling off the debris so soon I can post an after picture.

This was done in only a matter of about 3-4 hours. And it makes a huge difference in the appearance.

rock off...

Who rained on her parade...pwabuhbwee mommy...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Flowers that my little girl picks for me.

Friends...With the Same (nearly) Name

These were on the 3rd of our Friends house...

This is my son and his buddy with the same name when you call them by the shorter version... :)

My Little Gurl

Go tissy go, go!

It's my birthday and I'll blog if I want to...

Happy Birthday To Me

part 7

So where was I??? I think I left on with him asking me to marry him. Yes, so that was Sept. We were so excited and just couldn't wait. We were thinking of getting married the next summer. So then in Dec/Jan, around the new year we were in Reno at a wrestling tournament...or was in Vegas?? Oh yes it was Vegas.

So my parents were there, his, his Grandma, a cousin and Uncle...and we thought, "hey why not get married here????" and we were soooo tempted and everyone was kind of like, "why not??" We are a tad tempted but we decided against it.

So then we decided it would be July. Then during the spring I was perusing the calander checking out different weekends and I thought, "why not May 31st???" for various reasons and that's what we planned.... there is more to the story but I have to interrupt this program for technical difficulties...

Technical difficulties that involve the wiring inside my brain. I have to pause in this story because I'm getting bored with it and the writing about it reflects it. So I need to pause and re-group. In the mean time I'll post other things.

What to do?

My bulldog has the stinkiest gas ... and that's an understatement. It's beyond anything you can imagine. He likes to laydown by me when I'm on the computer and about every 15 minutes he lets one off.

Stress will give him gas but I believe now it's his food. The food we used to give him got recalled and they are taking their time on it getting it reformulated so it's unavailabe. We've tried 3 foods and not only do they give him the nastiest gas (that's he's had for about 2 months) his poo is ... well I'll just spare the details. I hope his old food is ready soon I don't know how much longer my I can take this. I just want to throw him outside and leave him...but I can't.

He's a cutie but boy does he stink.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A couple more Father's Day Pics

My sweet Family

Kiddo's being silly

The pretty view we had while we ate our picnic breakfast--which consisted of fruit, whipped cream, pastry's and coffee and juice.

Recent Pics

This was the 3rd of July at a friends house. It's an annual tradition at their place to get together with friends and do fireworks. It was fun and I was thankful and appreciated being included in this fun day at their homes. Thanks B and J!

This was Father's day. We picnic'ed (sp?) up top Chip Ross Park in Corvallis. The trail for this place was right across the street from our old place.

My last day @ Thirty

This is my last day as a 30 year old...

Tomorrow, God willing, I will be 31. Happy Birthday to Me.

Today I have had the whole day by myself. While it was nice to sleep in, enjoy my coffee time with no interruptions, and enjoy some quiet, it has been lonely.

I miss my kids. This must be one reason I homeschool. It's nice having them around. It keeps me busy, gives me something meaningful to do, and allows me precious time with them.

A few hours away is OK but more than that and I want them home. They've been at Grandma's (a place they love) so J and I can volunteer with the EMHE. I know time away is good for all of us so I don't get paranoid or freaked out and say they can never go anywhere. I just miss them and value the time I have with them.

So my husband should be home from work soon and we'll go stand in the hot sun for 5 hours doing our part to help with this EXTREME project. It's worth it.

I interrupt this story for the following news bulletin...

I just got home a little while ago from volunteering for the Extreme Makeover Home Edition project that is going on for the Byers Family here in Corn-Valley...well technically Lewisberg but does it matter??? No it doesn't.

If you'd like to learn more about these projects visit or

A friend of ours works for Legend Homes and asked us a few weeks ago if we wanted to help out on a project but he could not give us any details but the way he described it we just knew it was EMHE...

So anyways it's pretty neat. I can't wait to see it on TV.

Ok so that's all I just had to tell. We're going back tomorrow maybe I can take some pics....we'll see if I forget my cam or not.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

part 6

So it was around Sept I think and my fh took me up into the mountains...this long windy road that just kept going and going. I could never take you there again as I have no idea where we were. Thinking back I wonder how he even remembered where it was to take me there because my sweet husband is very directionally challenged.

So we get there and get out and I see a stream. It's not very wide but he shows me a little island where we're suppose to have a picnic...I'm thinking how in the world are we getting over there because the stream is kind of deep and sort of swift and I'm in jeans. He's sweating it because when he set this all up the stream wasn't that deep but it had rained since and now what.

Well we had to go so he put me on his back and walked me across. Let's just say it's a good thing he was in shape. We made it across. He pulled down a picnic basket from a tree and we sat down.

He gave me a note and 3 white roses (or were they red??) and they were held together by a heart-shaped diamond ring. I still have the note but I don't have it close by to tell you what it said. He then asked me to marry him.

Of course I said yes. We enjoyed our picnic and then drove back down the mountain. We were giddy and just couldn't believe we were getting married. We talked about days, and who we'd have in the wedding and where and all that. It was fun. I was 20 at the time and he was 22.

Sadly we weren't informed much about the old fashioned ways back then...we didn't see the importance of it nor realized how special it was so J didn't go to my dad first. But we did tell them right away (we went to their house) and sort of asked for their blessing after the fact. They did give us their blessing and my mom cried (good tears) but the kind of tears that happen when your kids are growning up.

So...that's all for now. It's actually hard to remember some of the details because it's been so long. Back in 96 when this all happened.. But it's fun thinking of it again.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Part 5... What did he say???

So we left off where I had prayed to God and received His Son, Jesus as my Lord and Savior...

So J came home (I was at his place) and I told him and he said..."I did that too, a couple of weeks ago!!" I was like, "Really?! Why didn't you tell me?" He was all, "I don't know, I just didn't."

So anyways we talked about it and he had told me how a friend of his had led him to the Lord and how he's been meeting with him regularly and he's been explaining a lot of stuff. I had a lot of questions and J said that his friend's wife could talk to me.

So she did and that began a few years of her meeting with me on a weekly basis teaching me about the Bible and living for Christ. J did the same thing with his friend. We grew to love this couple. They mean a lot to us to this day.

So our relationship had a new beginning. We grew as a couple because we were both growing in the Lord. I had much weight lifted off my shoulders and a new joy energizing my life. We vowed to repent of our physical relationship and remain pure till marriage if that were in our future.

A year later we were engaged.

Until next time...

I'm hoping to post some pics soon of recent happenings. We have now moved to our new town and settling into our new place. We're about to leave to go see the fireworks.

Adios peeps.