Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My last day @ Thirty

This is my last day as a 30 year old...

Tomorrow, God willing, I will be 31. Happy Birthday to Me.

Today I have had the whole day by myself. While it was nice to sleep in, enjoy my coffee time with no interruptions, and enjoy some quiet, it has been lonely.

I miss my kids. This must be one reason I homeschool. It's nice having them around. It keeps me busy, gives me something meaningful to do, and allows me precious time with them.

A few hours away is OK but more than that and I want them home. They've been at Grandma's (a place they love) so J and I can volunteer with the EMHE. I know time away is good for all of us so I don't get paranoid or freaked out and say they can never go anywhere. I just miss them and value the time I have with them.

So my husband should be home from work soon and we'll go stand in the hot sun for 5 hours doing our part to help with this EXTREME project. It's worth it.

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