Sunday, July 08, 2007

part 6

So it was around Sept I think and my fh took me up into the mountains...this long windy road that just kept going and going. I could never take you there again as I have no idea where we were. Thinking back I wonder how he even remembered where it was to take me there because my sweet husband is very directionally challenged.

So we get there and get out and I see a stream. It's not very wide but he shows me a little island where we're suppose to have a picnic...I'm thinking how in the world are we getting over there because the stream is kind of deep and sort of swift and I'm in jeans. He's sweating it because when he set this all up the stream wasn't that deep but it had rained since and now what.

Well we had to go so he put me on his back and walked me across. Let's just say it's a good thing he was in shape. We made it across. He pulled down a picnic basket from a tree and we sat down.

He gave me a note and 3 white roses (or were they red??) and they were held together by a heart-shaped diamond ring. I still have the note but I don't have it close by to tell you what it said. He then asked me to marry him.

Of course I said yes. We enjoyed our picnic and then drove back down the mountain. We were giddy and just couldn't believe we were getting married. We talked about days, and who we'd have in the wedding and where and all that. It was fun. I was 20 at the time and he was 22.

Sadly we weren't informed much about the old fashioned ways back then...we didn't see the importance of it nor realized how special it was so J didn't go to my dad first. But we did tell them right away (we went to their house) and sort of asked for their blessing after the fact. They did give us their blessing and my mom cried (good tears) but the kind of tears that happen when your kids are growning up.

So...that's all for now. It's actually hard to remember some of the details because it's been so long. Back in 96 when this all happened.. But it's fun thinking of it again.

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