Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Help Wanted...

Needed: Well qualified individual to give me a good, swift kick in the butt every day to get me up and at 'em!

Must have experience and references.

Must own a nice pair of boots.

Job requirements include being at my home everyday by 7am. Must be able to pull/lift 150+ pounds (give or take) out of bed/off couch/out of chairs. Must know how to make a good up of Joe. Must be able to endure the wrath of tired, stay at home, sleep deprived, home schooling mama of 2 and not take rude, mean or irrational comments personally.

Job description: A typical day would be arriving at my home by 7am. Making a pot of coffee. Pulling me out of bed. Kicking me down the hall. Only let me sit at table (not on couch) while drinking coffee. Then you must shout orders for what I'm to do, kids up and breakfast, schooling, bible reading and prayer (must be able to prioritize and schedule). Any time I stall or sit down you are to pull me up and kick me in the butt. At no time may you let me sit down at the computer...for once there roots start to grown into the seat. Your days end when poor husband comes home and must take over from there.

Former Drill Sargents a plus.

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