Wednesday, July 11, 2007

What to do?

My bulldog has the stinkiest gas ... and that's an understatement. It's beyond anything you can imagine. He likes to laydown by me when I'm on the computer and about every 15 minutes he lets one off.

Stress will give him gas but I believe now it's his food. The food we used to give him got recalled and they are taking their time on it getting it reformulated so it's unavailabe. We've tried 3 foods and not only do they give him the nastiest gas (that's he's had for about 2 months) his poo is ... well I'll just spare the details. I hope his old food is ready soon I don't know how much longer my I can take this. I just want to throw him outside and leave him...but I can't.

He's a cutie but boy does he stink.

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