Tuesday, December 27, 2005

High on Country Music

So I went to the grocery store tonight. Fred Meyer to be exact. Why do I always feel I spend so much money at the grocery store but feel like I didn't aquire very much. It seems like all the groceries I buy are gone in an instant.

I become mildly stressed while grocery shopping. I know it's because I'm not the most creative woman in the kitchen. So I go to the store with this deer-in-the-headlights look....uh duh...and so then I always get the same ole thing. When ideas do come across my mind I then worry I'm spending too much because I know what I have in my cart already is going to be a lot so I don't do anything.

So the W. house staples are: Oatmeal, Peanut Butter & Honey, Coffee & Creamer, Bread, 100% Juice, Kidz Clif Bars (one of our newer additions), chicken breasts, frozen veggies, and spaghetti. I'm blessed with a husband who's not too particular about my cooking so that's good. In fact he's not a big dinner guy at all. Mostly he's into chips and graham crackers...(staples as well).

Guilty pleasures: Bologna and mayonaise sandwhiches (me), ice cream (all of us), Hubby enjoys a cold beer after work, fruity pebbles (me again), top ramen (me and kids)

*insert* can someone rescue me from my dogs gas puleeze

Non existant: Hamburger Helper (nast), canned stuff like chef boyrdee,

I like what a purchase but think I could've so easily got sooooooo much more. Who knows. When I first got married I was terrible at the housewife role. It's been 8 years now so at least I can say I have improved some what.

I am listening to country music right now. I don't do that all that often. I for the most part like country music...all sorts for that matter...I like music in general. I like listening to the words especially when they are really good and I think that is awesome song writing.

Or when they cause you to think or go into this other world altogehter. That's fun. As long it's not a bad, scary, dangerous, or evil world...just a daydream world.

I like to daydream I live on a small east coast town and I work at a coffee shop or something ... wierd I know... but just being honest.

By the way... some country music is so funny because it's so hick. Like the song I'm listening to know... Got it going on like Donkey Kong??? What's that suppose to mean?

I'm just rambling. Ok bye.

PS long gone done me wrong packed her bags and now she's gone...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

start looking for recieps. also try a roast that slow cooks in the crock pot, with taters and carrotts or a stew would be nice. just trying to help.

you might have to change your dogs diet to get him to stop blowing stinky wind
