Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

Christmas will be over in a little less than three hours. I'm fighting off heart burn because of all the junk I've been eating. New Year's Resolution here I come.

Our little girl apparently had too much junk yesterday as well because she spent all night throwing up into the morning. So today on Christmas she didn't get to enjoy any sweets or any liquids but water. She didn't really have an appetite anyway. Mommy and Daddy are pretty tuckered as well since she puked about every hour on the hour last night.

But despite that today was pretty good. My husband though seemed to be worried sick over our girl. I knew it was just eating bad, which did give me guilt and I know I can't let that happen again, but he had a hard time relaxing today.

Right now I'm wearing a super soft pink robe I got from my MIL. Awesome. And she also got me the Chronicles of Narnia collection I can't wait to start reading. I'm also wearing soft pink slippers my mommy got me for Christmas. I'm so comfy right now.

Last night at my parents house was neat. Just the other day I gave my dad Rebekah's page and I think it really tugged on his heart. He's already contacted her family and has helped them out a bit and plans to continue. So for Christmas for me and my sisters he donated some money to them in our name as well as encouraged us to help and pray for this little girl and her family.

Little did I know that when I told my dad about her blog how he would help and jump to action. Praise God!! I really feel God is shining through this little girl's life for His glory and even though this is a sad and hard trial He's going to use it for good in soooo many people's lives. God has a way of doing that.

I know Rebekah has already changed my life as well as my dad's! Keep fighting strong girl and keep smiling. I will be praying for you.



Rebekah Christine said...

Merry Christmas and thank you. Your family has already been a huge blessing to us and mommy and daddy are both crying after reading that Rebekah has touched your life even in some small way.

We don't know why this is happening to Rebekah and we truly don't know how long God will continue to bless us with her. We DO know, however, that she is touching lives all over the world for Him and that is the main inspiration that keeps us going some days. Even though we know it, seeing it in action (reading it in action) really inspires us.

May God bless you and yours 10x for all your kindness.

-Rebekah's Daddy)

Anonymous said...

It's my blessing!