Wednesday, December 28, 2005

My sweet sour mug is all cuddled up on the futon snoring away. So maybe we'll be California bound late Spring/early Summer. Only time will tell. I think it'll come down to my family ok'ing us to go. By that I mean it isn't mandatory and my dad is my husband's boss...and some other employee could go. So they might miss us you know what I mean.

I would miss everyone too. But it would be a good opportunity for many reasons. Plus we like new experiences. We like to go places.

But we could save some money and sell this place which is sucking us dry. Which if a nice house was important to me it wouldn't bother me and I'd adapt to it. But it's not. So I get angry when all my money goes to bills and mortagages (sp????). Not what I want to spend my money. It's a waste.

We're only here for a little while and I don't want to be strapped the whole time I'm here because I'm living in a house I can't afford. This house will be an investment which is why we got it and it was only going to be short term. Having to move for work will get us out of here even sooner.

I do like the house but it's time to say goodbye. It will be a little sad because it's been in our family for over a decade now. My water broke on the carpet in this house! Ha. I got ready for my wedding in this house. But this is the first house my parents lived in that I didn't live in because I was out of the house and off to college.

Oh well. Everything changes and change is a good thing.

Country stations are not playing good songs tonight. This new radio I got for Christmas doesn't play my fave AM station nor does it play any FM Christian stations clearly. So now I'm "rockin" out to Clay ... not Clay Aiken but I can't remember this guy's last name....darn what is it??? Clay, Clay, Clay??? Hmm oh well the song is over.

Well hmm~Adios all and all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the picture. he is such a cutie. what is all this talk about california? this is the first i have heard of it. whats going on.
