Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Happy Anniversary To Me...9 Years...

so like today i have been married nine wopping years. Nine stinking wopping years. Is that how you spell wop? or is it whop?

so i called my husband like 3 times today and said happy anniversary and i love you...the last time I said bring home flowers and champagne... and he did... hee hee. Roses... you know I haven't even counted them... but it's a few. What a man. Me luv him.

So this weekend we are going to a B&B that I emailed and they said it was my lucky day that they had a room open. I'm SOOOOOO excited. Praise my Lord. I checked my email first thing this morning to see if they had a room and they did. And guess what. This B&B we are staying at was voted "BEST PLACES TO KISS IN THE NORTHWEST"... .right on...

and so anyways. Ok so my doggy is sittin next to me snoring. He did have his head on my lap but then I was messing with his wrinkles and he moved. Big Brat.

ok bye all i have got lots to do...
luv ya

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


ha ha...anyways well I'm a little excited because my sister in law offered to watch the kids all weekend so we can do something for our NINE year anniversary. OH so I thought that was way coo but finding last minute reservations is hard. I looked at a McMenamins in Bend but it was out and now i've emailed a B&B in Bend as well. I really doubt it'll be available but oh how I wish it were. sooo we'll probably end up at a Super 8 but at least we get some ALONE time... cha cha cha.

Sooo... anywho where was I ... oh yes. Ok so that is good news I tell ya, good news.

Ok so I'll fill in gaps of yesterdays post to my throng of readers...

I'm going to keep it short and sweet because it is actually a long story and I could go into details about it but I am not in the mood...

My husband got a new job and won't be working for my dad anymore and so that means we won't be moving to California. My last post described that maybe I was having some emotional issues this weekend and I was. Leaving my dad will be a million times harder than I expected. As I was grieving over it I think it must go deeper than I even know but I'm still processing it all. Just for the record my husband wasn't fired or anything like that nor did he get mad and quit. It was just an opportunity that plopped in his lap and after much prayer and no closed doors it's now my husbands new job.

So as I was saying I was sad about this and so are others. And I'm praying as time goes on it'll get better. It's hard to be super excited about it because although I accept it, how can I rejoice? I'm not sure I'm at that point yet.

It was really weird because it all didn't hit me until this weekend. I think before it was official it wasn't reality. I was a little bit excited but it wasn't in my was something to that had high probability of not happening. And then when it did happen, it hit me.

Some of you may wonder what the big deal is...well it is the emotinal ties. It is largely a family business in many ways although in ways it's not, but even the non family employees we feel close to in weird ways. There are just a few that have been there quite some time, and if some leave they seem to always return. My husband being a soninlaw (my dad has all daughters) it may have been unspoken that he might take it over some day. As well this was very unexpected by all of us. It was shocking to some. Plus it was a point of connection that is now severed. It is sort of like something is dying. Weird but true. For me anyways that's how I felt. Something is being severed and it hurts. Plus my daddy was hurt and that hurt me the most.

I know I whined a bit about life being hard last night. And this bump in the road was nothing compared to the real true trials and sufferings people everywhere are going through. So I didn't mean it as a pity party or a why me or boo hoo life is so hard. I was just lamenting about hard choices and why does it have to be that way. Why does a little thing like a job transition have to be a tuff thing? But that is just life. That is just life.

So now we have to find a house to live in. And move yet again.

Monday, May 29, 2006

What a weekend...

Although we did nothing really this weekend it was quite the weekend. On Friday I posted a post about some recent things that have been going on in our life. So maybe you were one of the lucky ones and read it before I took it off on Saturday evening. Saturday turned out to be quite an emotional day for me and after the events that took place I decided it would be best to take off Friday's post. I might repost it in the future. We'll see.

I can't really divulge any details right now. Let's just say this. This past year has taught some key lessons. Never will I assume I know God's path for me. It seems right when I think I know it my course changes completely. We plan our course but His will be done. That the best way although not the easiest.

This weekend my last 2 months of pent up emotions came overflowing out of me. In one way it felt good to get it out but mostly it was painful. Sorrow can really be physically painful. It's weird. I knew it was going to happen soon...I could fill it welling up inside me. So yes Saturday was the day that the dam well as other things related to that (the gaps to this story will be filled in later if you didn't happen to catch Friday evening's post)

Saturday evening also brought my son getting really sick...that led into Sunday morning. Then Sunday my husband came down with it...and today my daughter is getting it. Stay back you cursed sickness!!! Stay back!

So then let's see...oh yes and then today we went to my parents to bbq. my husband was still pretty sick and my son is still sick but was feeling a little bit better so we thought we go anways. We had planned to take them out to dinner on sunday but my dad wanted to bbq and sunday didn't work out...blah blah blah so here we are.

another realization i came to this weekend is that life is hard. ok so i've known that but this weekend showed me i suppose that why did i ever think that i should have it easy??? Do i deserve it? is it my right?? nope life i would have to say is mostly hard ... what would an easy life look like? Is it money and fame that bring it...i wouldn't think so considering the headlines you read of famous rich ppl (divorce, paparazzi, no privacy, etc...) they don't seem to have it made. ... so what else... i guess that an easy life isn't something to be coveted... i think a hard life is the better path in the end if you handle it in a good way. a hard life lived by trusting God, staying honest, holding to your integrity, working hard, enduring, pressing on, overcoming, appreciating the blessings and small things in life, and loving your family and friends in the midst of it all... keeping focused on what is truly important --your relationship with God and your relationships with your loved ones, serving and giving -- then life can be as hard as it wants but i'm sure you'll still have a sense of peace and joy, knowing that your life is resting in the hand of God.

This past year has been filled with choices. 3 or 4 times this year (or maybe more) i've had to just pray and pray and make the choice that seemed right according to His will...but that was very hard because both ways were good, both ways were ok, both ways were ways i loved.... what is weird now that I think about it last year i had 3 dreams about choices and in each dream i had a hard time...just now put 2 and 2 together i'll have to think about that. but anyways each choice was hard and each choice i had to let soemthing go i loved but each choice turned out to be His will.

we just faced a choice (the hardest yet) this past month or so... we made it and it was hard, it was heartbreaking, it was made with much prayer, it was not easy and we had to let go of things...and unintentionally hurt ppl in the process... we believe it was the right choice and I pray that God will confirm it in the hearts of our loved ones more and more as time goes by. I'm also facing a choice (not so dramatic) that i'll need to make withing the next couple of months or so...but i'm hoping God will put the answer in my lap or give me the courage to do the one I think i sort of want to.

i've also learned that not everything i do will make everyone happy...that is hard because i have always been one that wants to be liked...(i could do a whole blog about that) but anyways with each choice ppl have been way or the other. that's one reason i was saying life is hard...

so you sailed away into a gray sky i'm here to stay love can be so boring
it's not so bad your only the best i ever had
don't want me're only the best i ever had

i like that song..((gary allan)) it ran through my mind saturday and doesn't have much to do with things of this weekend but i still sang it. ha ha
love to all and all to love

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My precious sourmug...

Oh how I wish I could post some pics right now of him (mental note:get camera fixed ASAP) right now he's sniffin all over the place looking for his pig ear that I took from him. I let him chew on them until they get to a certain size because he'll try and swallow them whole. He finally just laid down to drift off to dreamland.

So I'm watching the ACM awards. Just tuned in a bit ago but in time to see Carrie Underwood win Best New Artist. Go Carrie I really like her. She'll be in Oregon at the Oregon Jamboree this August or September I think. I've went to that once when it was smaller and Winona Judd was there. It was fun. Might have to try and go this year. We'll see. Well that might be hard if I don't live in the state anymore. Rascall Flatts is performing on the show irght now. I really like them too. BTW they just won an award and thanked "their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" cool guys!!

My dog is back up sniffin again. It is way past his bedtime...poor thing. OH which reminds me our newest neighbors have 2 cool. I went and said hi and they saw little Blackjack. And they show too. I guess their boy is a champion. I was on my way out so I'm hoping to chat more with them soon and pet their doggies again.

So also I celebrate 2 birthdays this week... My daddy who is 59 now. And my little niece who is 8. Fun stuff. Next will be my mommy and daddy's 42nd anniversary on the 27th and then my wedding anniversary ... celebrating 9 years on the 31st... love you hun!!

This weekend is our annual Memorial Day weekend camping trip but I don't think that I'll be attending this year. My husband and son are but I don't know how into it I am this year. Call me anti social but really I do have reasons but they are just private. Probably stupid but that is just me sometimes.

Adios ppl.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

With No Greens!!

So this morning I told my kids they could have a piece of "candy" (it's a good for you candy but don't tell them that) if they drink some juice with greens powder in it. My son is ok with it but my daughter doesn't like it. Mostly it's just the weedy smell.. it tastes fine in juice. But it's hard for her to get past the smell to take a drink. But she did it. There was just a bit left.

So fast forward to this evening. My daughter is yelling "I want juice, I want juice, I want juice, I want a sippy cup" There was then a pause...and then she clarify's it with ....

"With NO greens!!"

I just thought it was so funny and cute. (of course I'm her mom and would think that) but it really was. It was very out of the blue and very funny.

Little does she know-more greens in the morning.... ha ha ha!!!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

give me one moment in time...

...the song that is in my head at this moment. I always have songs running through my head. At I belt them out here and there throughout the day.

I don't know how I got that song in my head today...

i think i'm going to quit blogging for awhile... I just can't do it anymore...lately getting on this thing is painful...

a Gary Allen song is in my head too.... i love his voice...

ok bye

Friday, May 12, 2006

stay with me...

la la la la ... a country song that is in my head

So i'm sitting here just chillin out on a typical Friday night. What goes on in the Whisfam household on a typical Friday night.... Nothing...except ...

well my husband is going to a store to get the black tank treatment stuff.. so that is kind of exciting.

my son is watching a brand new episode of spongebob squarepants... my kids' fave (i'm partial to it myself)

ya my husband and kids went swimming in the pool this evening as well...

tomorrow is girls day out and we're heading to portland for dinner...
my in-laws are moving this weekend as well out of their big ole house and GUESS WHAT... they are moving into a.... 5TH WHEEL... must be a new fad that's catchin on...

Oh yes and mother's day is this weekend....a day where us mothers are spoiled for being mom's...and if we're not you better get some sheets and make your bed on the couch!! Or better yet...the DOG HOUSE!!!!!!
I'm totally kidding. I'm more into my mom on mother's day than myself.

So tonight we're just hanging out at home. This place is happenin on the weekends...every spot is filled and i tell you what there are some high rollers on the weekend with these plush motor homes towing hummers and spit shined vehicles. we have a cute little trailer next to's small but very cute. looks newer and it's being towed by a very nice cadalac (not into spelling tonight)oh what are those cadillac's that are like suburbans? well anyways it has super shiny wills (as I was spell checking I found that I actually spelled wheels w-i-l-l-s and didn't even catch now I know I'm losing it) and looks very waxed... whatever

so ppl no word on when we are moving. one thing i know is that I have tood tonight and I have to keep deleting stuff because i'm get bratty and then think twice about it...

speaking of tood... **big deleted section**

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

And so it goes...

Life, that is.

Since I have nothing to blog I want to direct you all to another blog that puts life into perspective. It's on my links but I'll link it here...


Read Kennedy's mom's latest post. After doing so never forget that God has a plan for us all and it's so much bigger than much bigger than we can wrap our minds around. That is why we can not lean on our own understanding, we just can't. All we have left is to trust Him. Kennedy's mom hits it right on.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Dang it.

Well last night I wrote a really cool post and then my laptop completely freaked out. I had to take the battery out to even shut it off. It was really annoying. Soo I can't reproduce it. It wouldn't be the same. It was just about the valley I have been in and what God is teaching me through it. Even though I didn't get to post it I learned from something from it. It was like it was all coming to me as I wrote it.

So in other news. Today was another beautiful day. Soo good. We drove all over the place like usual. Dropped off my son at school and went to my SIL's house. The girls played and we chatted. One of her little doggies is so pregnant and it was really cute to see. She should be delivering any day now.

Since we've been "camping" my kids always want to have fires...soo since daddy is busy tomorrow night I thought that we'd have a bonfire but not here. Over at grandpa's house. After school tomorrow we're going to go over there and build a fire pit. We're going to cook some dogs and have smores. I think it'll be quite fun.

**side note** just saw moolatte commercial ( i think that's what they're called ) for Dairy Queen...oh it looked so good...

So my husband is going to a fight tomorrow night. Not boxing but that Ultimate fighting type stuff. It's small scale but one of his buddies is fighting in it. Go Cory!

Can anyone say boring? I'm talking about my blog lately...geez louise... I thought living in a 5th Wheel with 2 kids and a bulldog would lead to some entertaining blogs but so far NADA...Life is normal as usual. I have enjoyed it quite a bit actually. I was thinking last night how nice it was not thinking about "oh what color will I paint this room?" and "how will I decorate this room?" and all that kind of stuff. There is no decorating going on in this place. It's been nice not having a lawn to mow, weeds to pull, or all the things owning a house bring. I'd rather have my own home if I had to choose but it's a nice break.

well i'm done torturing everyone with a *yawn* boring blog. Maybe in the coming days I'll get really contemplative, introspective, spiritual and spurt out some interesting reads.

stay tuned

Monday, May 01, 2006

Except for Mondays....

Which were never good anyways...

So today was OK except that I didn't take my son to school. Naughty mom!! Honestly I just didn't feel like it. I'm sick of driving a million miles a day and forking out the cash for gas.

But the day was good though. ...

Hubby had his test tonight. He's on his way home. He called and said it was tough! He's not really sure how he did and he said he won't find out for 2 weeks. Sheesh what torture!! He said that he is going to be calling everyday and buggin them and try to get it out of them.

Well this weekend ended up being a whole weekend without the kids. Friday night they stayed at grandma's then the next day they were at their mema's and their auntie was babysitting and they stayed there. Then auntie B and Uncle J didn't drop them off until Sunday evening. I tell ya it was so weird being without them for so long. Saturday I was alone all day til 5.30...It was so quiet and I was very ancy for something to do (i did have my dog with me) So then had a girls night that night. Sunday it was just me and my husband and he was studying. I was really missing them by this time but also trying to enjoy the break...especially having me and hubby time. I helped him study and we went and got a fountain drink at am/pm.... what we always used to do back in the day (it doesn't take much to make us happy). We went on a small walk with the dog. But the day went so slow and so quiet. Ha ha. So the unexpected alone time was nice. But I was very happy to see them. That night I snuggled with my daughter and my son slept in our bed with my husband.

So nuthin much exciting here going on. Hubby should be home any minute now so I am outta here...