Tuesday, May 30, 2006


ha ha...anyways well I'm a little excited because my sister in law offered to watch the kids all weekend so we can do something for our NINE year anniversary. OH so I thought that was way coo but finding last minute reservations is hard. I looked at a McMenamins in Bend but it was out and now i've emailed a B&B in Bend as well. I really doubt it'll be available but oh how I wish it were. sooo we'll probably end up at a Super 8 but at least we get some ALONE time... cha cha cha.

Sooo... anywho where was I ... oh yes. Ok so that is good news I tell ya, good news.

Ok so I'll fill in gaps of yesterdays post to my throng of readers...

I'm going to keep it short and sweet because it is actually a long story and I could go into details about it but I am not in the mood...

My husband got a new job and won't be working for my dad anymore and so that means we won't be moving to California. My last post described that maybe I was having some emotional issues this weekend and I was. Leaving my dad will be a million times harder than I expected. As I was grieving over it I think it must go deeper than I even know but I'm still processing it all. Just for the record my husband wasn't fired or anything like that nor did he get mad and quit. It was just an opportunity that plopped in his lap and after much prayer and no closed doors it's now my husbands new job.

So as I was saying I was sad about this and so are others. And I'm praying as time goes on it'll get better. It's hard to be super excited about it because although I accept it, how can I rejoice? I'm not sure I'm at that point yet.

It was really weird because it all didn't hit me until this weekend. I think before it was official it wasn't reality. I was a little bit excited but it wasn't in my grasp...it was something to that had high probability of not happening. And then when it did happen, it hit me.

Some of you may wonder what the big deal is...well it is the emotinal ties. It is largely a family business in many ways although in ways it's not, but even the non family employees we feel close to in weird ways. There are just a few that have been there quite some time, and if some leave they seem to always return. My husband being a soninlaw (my dad has all daughters) it may have been unspoken that he might take it over some day. As well this was very unexpected by all of us. It was shocking to some. Plus it was a point of connection that is now severed. It is sort of like something is dying. Weird but true. For me anyways that's how I felt. Something is being severed and it hurts. Plus my daddy was hurt and that hurt me the most.

I know I whined a bit about life being hard last night. And this bump in the road was nothing compared to the real true trials and sufferings people everywhere are going through. So I didn't mean it as a pity party or a why me or boo hoo life is so hard. I was just lamenting about hard choices and why does it have to be that way. Why does a little thing like a job transition have to be a tuff thing? But that is just life. That is just life.

So now we have to find a house to live in. And move yet again.

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