Monday, May 01, 2006

Except for Mondays....

Which were never good anyways...

So today was OK except that I didn't take my son to school. Naughty mom!! Honestly I just didn't feel like it. I'm sick of driving a million miles a day and forking out the cash for gas.

But the day was good though. ...

Hubby had his test tonight. He's on his way home. He called and said it was tough! He's not really sure how he did and he said he won't find out for 2 weeks. Sheesh what torture!! He said that he is going to be calling everyday and buggin them and try to get it out of them.

Well this weekend ended up being a whole weekend without the kids. Friday night they stayed at grandma's then the next day they were at their mema's and their auntie was babysitting and they stayed there. Then auntie B and Uncle J didn't drop them off until Sunday evening. I tell ya it was so weird being without them for so long. Saturday I was alone all day til 5.30...It was so quiet and I was very ancy for something to do (i did have my dog with me) So then had a girls night that night. Sunday it was just me and my husband and he was studying. I was really missing them by this time but also trying to enjoy the break...especially having me and hubby time. I helped him study and we went and got a fountain drink at am/pm.... what we always used to do back in the day (it doesn't take much to make us happy). We went on a small walk with the dog. But the day went so slow and so quiet. Ha ha. So the unexpected alone time was nice. But I was very happy to see them. That night I snuggled with my daughter and my son slept in our bed with my husband.

So nuthin much exciting here going on. Hubby should be home any minute now so I am outta here...

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