Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My precious sourmug...

Oh how I wish I could post some pics right now of him (mental note:get camera fixed ASAP) right now he's sniffin all over the place looking for his pig ear that I took from him. I let him chew on them until they get to a certain size because he'll try and swallow them whole. He finally just laid down to drift off to dreamland.

So I'm watching the ACM awards. Just tuned in a bit ago but in time to see Carrie Underwood win Best New Artist. Go Carrie I really like her. She'll be in Oregon at the Oregon Jamboree this year...in August or September I think. I've went to that once when it was smaller and Winona Judd was there. It was fun. Might have to try and go this year. We'll see. Well that might be hard if I don't live in the state anymore. Rascall Flatts is performing on the show irght now. I really like them too. BTW they just won an award and thanked "their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" cool guys!!

My dog is back up sniffin again. It is way past his bedtime...poor thing. OH which reminds me our newest neighbors have 2 bulldoggies...so cool. I went and said hi and they saw little Blackjack. And they show too. I guess their boy is a champion. I was on my way out so I'm hoping to chat more with them soon and pet their doggies again.

So also I celebrate 2 birthdays this week... My daddy who is 59 now. And my little niece who is 8. Fun stuff. Next will be my mommy and daddy's 42nd anniversary on the 27th and then my wedding anniversary ... celebrating 9 years on the 31st... love you hun!!

This weekend is our annual Memorial Day weekend camping trip but I don't think that I'll be attending this year. My husband and son are but I don't know how into it I am this year. Call me anti social but really I do have reasons but they are just private. Probably stupid but that is just me sometimes.

Adios ppl.

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